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Finally some order at FREEDOMtravel!


Finally, some order at FREEDOMtravel! We are mostly at home in the houseboat and work, which means that we have time to organise a few things. This week we have organised all the countries on the site.


Home life in the houseboat

Yes, it's home life in the houseboat for us right now. Not so bad actually! We are tired all the time it feels like. Then you can ask yourself if it is winter fatigue or post-flood fatigue or post-travelling fatigue. Actually, it does not matter. We sleep a lot, take some walks and watch some TV series. The rest of the time we work.

Better organisation on FREEDOMtravel - easier to find countries

This week we have been working on the structure and order of FREEDOMtravel to make it as easy as possible for you to find country reports. You can search in the top menu if you like. There we have now structured Europe a little better, so that "Central Europe" has its own heading. A number of other countries have also been moved to new, more logical positions.

We have also added more countries under Africa. Since our prolific writer Anna Nilsson Spets written so many exciting reports on African countries, there have been many new countries to structure under West Africa, East Africa and Southern Africa.

As usual, there is another way to find the countries. If you scroll down the home page, you will find the headings 'See and do in Europe' and 'See and do in the world'. There you will also find all the countries, and if you click on them you will find all the stories.

Best this week

Best thing this week? That we at last had time to structure things at FREEDOMtravel. We are not done yet, but we have at least managed to fix a lot of what was on the agenda. In addition, we have met family and relatives, which of course is nice. And so Peter goes all in to cook good food for me (Helena) and it is definitely Happy Friday for me!

Your turn... What can you highlight as positive from the week? As usual, it doesn't have to be anything big.

One of the week's meals: turkey breast, bacon, roast potatoes, homemade cream sauce and asparagus, sugar snap peas and courgettes.

The week ahead

We are at home in the houseboat, in Stockholm, right now and will continue to be so for a while. We simply devote ourselves to work, rest and socialising. Here at FREEDOMtravel, it will be a mixed bag with a focus on both travel and Christmas, and maybe food.

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Car hire trip, Christmas table and real winter

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