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Christmas celebrations, interview and 'cleaning job' on the site

We have celebrated Christmas with family and friends back home in Sweden, and then we have spent the holidays at home in the houseboat with "cleaning jobs" on the site. Now the next holiday is approaching in the form of New Year's Eve. Happy Friday!


Christmas celebrations at home in Sweden

So we celebrated Christmas at home in Sweden this year. The day before Christmas Eve we visited my (Helena's) mum and on Christmas Eve itself we went to Peter's eldest son Robin and his wife Alexandra, who live within walking distance of us.

Also present were Robin's mum and Alexandra's parents and siblings. They had organised a very nice Christmas, with a beautiful Christmas tree, Christmas presents, Donald Duck on the TV and a Christmas table with lots of goodies. We have to thank them for a very nice Christmas Eve!

Intermediate days of site 'cleaning' - strange things can happen with old links

In the middle days we have been at home in the houseboat, where we alternate work with walks, cooking and TV series. Now that we have a little extra time, we go through and "clean" a little on the site, ie on

When you've had a website for 15 years, some content gets old and some things need to be corrected. For example, there are some "broken links" (links that no longer work because the page they link to may have been removed or moved). These are good to remove, partly because it is boring for the reader, and partly because Google's robots may think it looks like you are not taking good "care" of the site.

What we've discovered, and what we think is even worse, is that some of the old links go to sites like you don't want to link to. For example, if we linked to a blog or company 10 years ago, and that blog or company went out of business - someone else may have taken over the domain.

Often it's somewhat 'shadowy' organisations that do this. For example, the site may now be a kind of "blog" run by a secretive person and used for only for posting texts with sponsored links (i.e. to make money), with no personal or "real" content, and usually no images. Not fun when you discover that you are linking to such sites ... time to clean up!

Peter's delicious fish mince steaks of the week, using leftover salmon and halibut.

Interview on "Jikitas on Adventure"

This week an interview with us was also published on the Youtube channel. Jikitas on Adventure, which is run by Marlene Rindå Jikitawho is also a guest writer with us. The interview was done at the Elmia fair in September, and I remember that we had a great time. Looking at ourselves, however, we find it a bit hard, so we have only seen a bit ... haha. Welcome to take a look if you want!

Best this week

The best thing about this week is that we had the chance to spend time with family and friends over Christmas. We are also happy that the ground has been white and even sunny at times. Great!

Your turn... What can you highlight as positive from your week?

The week ahead

In the coming week, we will be at home in Stockholm. There will be New Year's celebrations with friends, and we look forward to the coming year. Here at FREEDOMtravel there will be some mixed content, about food and travel among other things. Happy Friday!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Christmas is approaching

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