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3 simple and delicious casseroles with stir-fries

Is there anything better than small casseroles with stir-fries? They are often fairly easy to make and are great as an appetiser before a fancy dinner, or perhaps on the buffet table. Why not as a luxurious little snack on New Year's Eve?


Recipes for crusts with batters

Today, we're sharing three recipes for stir-fried crusts that we've been experimenting with over the past few weeks. You can either use classic crusts, or so-called "rye crisps", which you can find at the same place in the supermarket, and which we have become very fond of. These offer a bit more robust flavour and chewing resistance.

Krustader med röror

1. Crusts with artichoke scrambled eggs

Since Peter first made this artichoke sauce, it has become a favourite in our house and we have now made it several times. Perfect with a glass of bubbly before dinner or perhaps on a buffet table.

You will need

  • Canned marinated artichoke (290 g)
  • Fresh cheese (100 g)
  • Garlic (one clove)
  • Olive oil (a splash)
  • Lemon
  • Salt and pepper
  • Crusts or "crisps"

Do the following

Grate the garlic. Strain the artichokes from the oil, place them in a bowl and blend them with a hand blender to a smooth cream. Stir in the cream cheese, olive oil and grated garlic. Season to taste with salt, pepper and lemon. Add the mixture to the crusts and serve! Maybe you could decorate a little more? Basil leaves perhaps?

2. Crusts with gruyere cream

Who doesn't like cheese? Well, we do, and Swiss gruyere cheese is one of our favourites. Peter made a gruyère cream, which we used in crusts, or rather "rye crisps". Very tasty!

You will need

  • Gruyère cheese (100 g)
  • Cream (1 dl)
  • One egg
  • Rapeseed oil (2-3 dl)
  • White wine vinegar (1 tsp)
  • Salt and pepper
  • Crusts or "crisps"
  • Possibly some parsley

Do the following

Grate the cheese. Bring the cream to the boil. Place the eggs, grated cheese and white wine vinegar in a bowl. Pour over the cooked cream and mix with a hand blender. Add the rapeseed oil in a thin stream and continue mixing until the mixture starts to thicken. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Place in the fridge to allow the mixture to thicken further, and arrange in crusts or "crisps". Decorate with a little parsley if desired.

3. Crusts with homemade Skagen scrambled eggs

Last but not least, we offer a relatively classic recipe for Skagenröra. Always so delicious, and of course extra delicious when it's homemade. We recently tried putting the mixture in chilli-flavoured "crisps", and it added some interesting punch!

You will need

  • Fresh prawns in shell (400 g)
  • Mayonnaise (1 dl)
  • Crème fraiche (2 dl)
  • Dill (half a bunch)
  • A lemon
  • Red onion (one half)
  • Salt and pepper
  • Crusts or "crisps"

Do the following

Peel the prawns and roughly chop them in different ways. Finely chop the red onion. Place the prawns in a bowl and mix with the mayonnaise, crème fraiche and red onion. Chop the dill (but save some for decoration) and grate the zest of a whole lemon. Add the chopped dill, lemon zest and lemon juice and stir. Flavour with salt and pepper. Spoon the mixture into crusts and decorate with some dill and perhaps a piece of lemon.

Krustader med röra - skagenröra

More tips for casseroles with batters?

Do you have any other tips for casseroles with batters? Maybe a favourite?

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