After a fantastic week in the Kruger Park, it was time for us to continue our adventure, now with a road trip through South Africa. We have made several nice stops and are now at the coast, where we enjoy the wonderful sound of the waves.
Table of contents
A week in the Kruger Park
It was a full week (6 nights) in the Kruger Park for us. An absolutely fantastic experience! We saw 29 different animal species plus lots of birds, and we will tell you more about this soon.

What was fascinating, apart from seeing so many different kinds of animals, was that you get so close to the wildlife. You drive around in a car all the time, as it is not allowed (and too dangerous) to go outside the car on your own, except at designated places. Many of the animals are completely unafraid of cars, which allows you to get very close.

It was of course also a great advantage to discover the park together with South African friends, who have been here many times. They know how everything works, are great "scouts" and know the best tricks to find the different animals. This is an experience we will never forget!

A short stop in Johannesburg
The week in the Kruger Park passed quickly, and then we drove back to Henri and Michelle's beautiful house in Johannesburg. Here we stayed one night, before leaving on our own. We thank Henri and Michelle for their fantastic hospitality, and look forward to seeing them again in Sweden in August!

On the road - road trip in South Africa
Henri and Michelle offered us the use of their daughter's car, which we accepted. She lives in the neighbourhood of Cape Townand we can therefore leave it for her there, a little later in the journey. A very convenient solution for us!
We headed in the direction of Henri and Michelle's summer house, which is on the coast, but since it's far, we didn't want to drive all the way in one day.

There were no less than two stops along the way, both in incredibly charming, cosy and interesting places. We will tell you more about this soon!

Arriving at the summer house
We have now arrived at Henri and Michelle's summer house on the coast, not far from Port Elisabeth. The house is completely fantastic, with the roaring sea just outside. We are really enjoying this, and we are not going to rush on, but relax a bit, and catch up with work and writing.

Best this week
Best this week? Wow, everything! The Kruger Park of course, but also the great stops along the way. And then to land here on the coast. We haven't had time to digest all the impressions yet ...
Your turn... How has your week been? What can you highlight as positive, big or small?

The week ahead
During the coming week, we plan to hang out here in the summer house. We will mostly listen to the sea, go for walks, swim a bit and work at the computers. There might be the occasional excursion too, by car. Here at FREEDOMtravel you can expect reports on South Africa, now that we finally have time to write.

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Camping and adventure in South Africa
JoY says:
What a fantastic trip you are doing and all the pictures you offer. The last post was so beautiful, all that greenery and canyons Yes really nice. Enjoy and have a cosy time by the sea, can hardly get closer, it should be when you swim then hihi It is quite cold in the water if I remember correctly.
Wishing you a continued cosy welcome from those of us who got more snow last night.
09 February 2024 - 13:14
Helena says:
Yes, it was incredibly beautiful at the canyon, and also here by the sea! An amazingly beautiful country! Thank you, and wish you nice days in the winter weather!
10 February 2024 - 5:49
Lena - good for the soul says:
The fact that you get so close to the animals was something that surprised us on our safari. I really had not expected that. So cool to make eye contact with an elephant at a distance of about 6 metres!
Wow, what a location for that summer house! What an amazing trip you will have the opportunity to make!
Hug Lena
09 February 2024 - 15:21
bmlarstravellingblog says:
What a wonderful trip and so nice to have plenty of time so you can stay up for a week, digest all the impressions and alternate work with some excursions. The location of the summer house does not seem completely wrong!
Here at home we have just come in from a walk in fresh snow with icy north winds, but there has still been a pale winter sun today. The best part of the week is that the terrible cold has subsided and we are starting to look forward again.
Keep up the good work!
09 February 2024 - 15:31
BP says:
An absolutely wonderful trip and perfect because you can both borrow their summer house and their daughter's car. It couldn't be better. I see that South Africa has waiting traffic. I did not know that. Nice that Henri and Michelle are coming to Sweden in August. It will be exciting to see what adventures you offer the couple. We do not have Krüger National Park. However, there are reindeer in the north;-)
09 February 2024 - 16:34
Lena in Wales and a bit everywhere says:
Great trip!
A country I have never visited, but on Tuesday I attended a storytelling event about South Africa and it was inspiring.
12 February 2024 - 7:12