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Finally time for a motorhome trip - we're heading north!

We have finally set off on this summer's long motorhome trip, which this time focuses on Hälsingland and Dalarna. It was messy and a bit chaotic when we were leaving ... but now so! Happy Friday!


Work on the houseboat is complete ...

Lately, it's been all about the houseboat for us. Lifting it onto land was a big project, and just everything was about that. When we inspected, painted and lifted back into the water it was a bit like the plug went out ... we fell asleep early that night I can say!

On the outdoor terrace of K2 in Pampas Marina

We have also had time to meet family and some friends, and we have made an excursion with my (Helena's) mum to Nyckelviken nature reserve in Nacka, where there is a cosy café in the mansion. It's nice!

Nyckelviken Manor, at Nyckelviken Nature Reserve in Nacka

Finally time for a motorhome holiday

The last period has been quite stressful and we have felt a bit scattered. That's why we've been looking forward to getting away in the motorhome! Admittedly, we work when we travel with the motorhome too, but it still tends to feel a bit more focused and relaxed then.

In fact, the departure was very messy. I (Helena) got a neck lock after a strange movement and had to go to the naprapath. At the same time, I got a headache of course (I always get that if I get a sore neck) and in the middle of the mess we forgot several things at home that we would have needed while travelling ... Well, we got away anyway! Happy Friday!

Towards Hälsingland and Dalarna, but first ...

The plan for this year's summer trip is Hälsingland and Dalarna. These are two areas in Sweden that we have seen very little of, but that we are very curious about. Therefore, it will be really fun and exciting to explore! Do you have any tips on things we should not miss? Please share them with us!

We have made our way up the coast and started our journey in the area around Gävle, which we also take the opportunity to discover.

Peter on his electric bike in Gävle
National Day celebrations in Boulognerskogen in Gävle

Best this week

Best thing this week? That we got away! For a while it felt like it was just too much all at once, and then neck pain and headaches on top of that... But now we're off, so now it can only get better! We are love really travelling with the campervan, and it's great to be out and about in it again!

Your turn... What can you highlight as positive and good from your week?

Helena in Boulognerskogen in Gävle

The week ahead

We keep on rolling with the motorhome to discover new sides of Sweden! On Saturday we plan to roll into Axmar Jetty north of Gävle. Maybe there is someone else who has the roads past there? After that we continue, at a leisurely pace towards Hälsingland and Dalarna.

We will of course write about different places we visit here on FREEDOMtravel, which will be mixed with other reports. As usual, you can also follow the trip on Instagram at @freedomtravelnews.

We'd like to take this opportunity to wish you a great Friday and weekend! What are your weekend plans?

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Lifting a houseboat - this is what happened when our houseboat was lifted

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