The motorhome journey continues! We spent a relatively long time in Hälsingland, which we really like, and now we have just rolled into Dalarna. Happy Friday!
Table of contents
Hälsingland - a landscape we love!
We like Hälsingland. That's what we've come to realise on this trip. The landscape offers fantastic nature, both on the coast and inland, and a large dose of exciting culture. We have sometimes been annoyed (or laughed at) that there are information gaps and signposting challenges.
We have been wrong sooo many times. Countless are the times when we have not found our way at all. Not to mention all the total misunderstandings about opening hours. We think the irritation was greatest in the beginning. Then there was a bit more laughter and a more relaxed attitude ...
"This is Hälsingland!" we said to each other sometimes. The advantages, on the other hand: the slightly disorganised, the magical nature, all the fantastic opportunities to free camp. We like Hälsingland - a lot!
The photo below is from Växbo Kvarn - a fantastic place with a good and affordable pitch. Unfortunately, the restaurant and shops will close in 2024 (due to the place being up for sale), but Trolldalen next door will remain open with a café and sale of linen products.

Vinströmmen - Magical free camping in Hälsingland
We've done a lot of free camping in Hälsingland. We didn't even check the apps, there was always a lake to drive down to... All the places were nice, but one place was more magical than the others. We got tips about Wine streamsand now we're passing the word on. Absolutely magical! We showed some pictures yesterday, in the report on Ljusdal. Here are some more pictures:

Now we have rolled on to Dalarna. We haven't had time to see much yet, but of course Dala horses are everywhere!
One big difference we feel is that Dalarna feels more "crowded" compared to Hälsingland. So far, there has been more traffic, more noise and much more difficult to free camp. Men Dalarna offers a lot of exciting places, so we are really looking forward to this!

It may seem "lazy" to kayak around with a motorhome, but the fact is that we sometimes get very tired of all the impressions. Although it's fun, there's a lot of photographing, taking notes, intercepting, understanding ...
On top of that, we often have to deal with having to economise on electricity and water, and sometimes having limited internet coverage. Because we work, everything has to work, so it can also be stressful. Now we've decided to stay at a campsite for two days, to wash, clean and work. (And maybe get some sun!) Happy Friday!

Winner of a trip to Wroclaw
Recently, we organised a competition, together with the Polish Tourist Office, with the opportunity to win a trip to the lovely Polish city of Wroclaw. The winner, Rickard F, has been notified by e-mail via the Polish Tourist Office. We wish you a great trip!!!
Best this week
The best thing this week has been ... Hälsingland! A fantastic landscape for nature experiences, cultural experiences and great free camping sites! Your turn ... What has been the best part of your week?

The week ahead
We are now in Dalarna. We start quietly, with laundry and work, but we soon plan to look around a bit everywhere, focusing on "Around Siljan". This should be exciting!
We report here on, and if you want to follow even more in real time, you can follow us on Instagram at @freedomtravelnews!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the New generator in the motorhome - and meeting with motorhome friends
Mr Thimon says:
You really live up to your slogan "Sweden's most travel magazine". I love these reports that you have done for Hälsingland. Now I look forward to reading the reports from Dalarna. In addition, all the material is free, which is absolutely fantastic.
A big thank you!
You are just the best!
28 June 2024 - 7:37
Helena says:
Wow, what a nice comment! Many thanks for your kind words Per, it warms and makes it even more fun to continue! There will be two more reports about Hälsingland (this weekend) and then we will slowly start writing about Dalarna. Wishing you a really nice weekend!
28 June 2024 - 7:56
Britta Andresen says:
Hi there! One place you must visit when you are in Dalarna is Ryggåstugan in Dala järna. There is good food and coffee. Several different activities. Check out their website. Search for Ryggåstugan./ greetings from Britta Andresen
30 June 2024 - 15:26