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New generator in the motorhome - and meeting with motorhome friends


We are travelling in a motorhome in Hälsingland. Suddenly, when we were driving on a country road, the battery light started to glow red. Not good! It was impossible to drive on, and we headed for the first available garage ...


The battery light was red - the generator was broken

It was Sunday when the battery light came on, but we were lucky to be near Ljusdal, where there are several workshops.

We parked outside one of the workshops, and on Monday morning at 7am we knocked on the door to ask if they had time. They weren't, unfortunately. And neither did the other garage we called...

Then we got lucky! Two guys had recently started their own company (JCV) and were ready to work very, to get the business going. They checked out the fault (broken generator, charging absolutely zero) and promised to take care of our motorhome the next evening.

In the meantime, we were allowed to stand at the back of the workshop, where we were allowed to borrow both electricity and toilets. Fantastically kind!

It may not be glamorous to camp in a garage car park, but we were delighted to be helped. (We've heard of others who have had to wait much longer.) We just had to use the time to decorate the campervan and work on the computers...

New generator in the motorhome

By 20:30 the next evening, the mechanics were ready to take on our motorhome. Fantastic! We were welcomed into the coffee room, where we could also make coffee if we wanted. Perfect!

By 00:30 in the evening/night it was all done. Fantastic! Now we have a new generator and the motorhome works just as it should. Many thanks to the mechanics in Ljusdal! Happy Friday!

A few days in Ljusdal

It was a bunch of days in Ljusdal, probably a few more than most tourists spend here. We mostly sat in the motorhome and worked, but we also had time to experience some of the city.

The highlights for us were the street art (a project from 2019 with several different national and international artists) and Ljusdal church, which is incredibly beautiful. We will tell you more in the future!

On the "hunt" to see Unesco Hälsingegårdar

One of the things you definitely want to see in Hälsingland är förstås hälsingegårdar, och då inte minst de sju som är inkluderade i Unesco världsarvet. Vi bestämde oss för att vi vill se all seven.

It hasn't been easy - some have limited opening hours and in others, viewings have to be booked with the private owner. But it looks promising! We have managed to see five and we have good prospects of seeing the last two. It has been and is incredibly interesting. Reportage coming soon of course!

Nice meeting with motorhome friends

Another really positive thing this week is that we managed to get together with our friends Britt-Marie and Lars from Bmlars travel blog. So incredibly fun to meet again! We had lots to talk about and lots of travel memories and tips to share with each other.

Britt-Marie and Lars are now heading north, and you can follow their journey on their blog and Instagram account @bm.lars.travelblog. You can count on beautiful photos!

Happy Midsummer!

We would like to wish everyone a very Happy Midsummer! We are hoping to see some traditional Midsummer celebrations in Hälsingland, but otherwise our plans are a bit vague.

We have bought a lot of good food as well. In the picture below you can see the shopping from Björk & Co in Färila, but we have also shopped in several other places.

Best this week

It is none doubt about what is best this week - it is that we got help with a new generator in Ljusdal! This of course meant a stop and a cost, but we are so happy that the mechanics took the time to help us. Our FREEDOM motorhome means everything to us, and now we can go on adventures again!

Your turn, what can you highlight as positive from the week?

The week ahead

Over the next week, we'll continue to spin around Hälsingland, and after that we'll head to Dalarna. Here at FREEDOMtravel you can expect reports on Hälsingland, mixed with travel news, Wednesday musings and maybe a guest article.

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Travelling in a campervan in Hälsingland - and getting a fix in the campervan

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