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Travelling in a campervan in Hälsingland - and getting a fix in the campervan


We are currently on a motorhome holiday in Hälsingland. Really lovely! The trip started chaotically, and we have had quite coldbut now everything is starting to calm down, and the sun has come out. Happy Friday!


Motorhome holidays in Gästrikland and Hälsingland

Our first destinations on this motorhome trip were Gävle and Axmar Jetty, with restaurant and car park. Gävle surprised in a positive way and report will come tomorrow, Saturday!

Then we continued to Hälsingland, which is one of our summer destinations. Here we have had time to see and experience a lot - especially the beautiful coast! - and reports will come soon. So far you can follow us on Instagram at @freedomtravelnews!

The FREEDOM motorhome at Bönan, outside Gävle

Fix in the motorhome - lots of new stuff!

We are also fixing, renovating and decorating the motorhome. Lots actually! Just before we left we changed two windows (because they cracked) and now Peter is doing a big project - he is wallpapering the whole motorhome inside with fabric!

The walls and ceilings are worn, and the idea is to make the upholstery feel more cosy. We're also doing other things: putting up decorations, making new shelves, organising the cupboards... and much more!

The whole thing takes time and we work our way forward slowly and gradually. When we get a little further, there will be reports of course, with a lot of pictures!

Everyday life with work - and training!

A few years ago, we realised our dream - to make the travel magazine FREEDOMtravel to our job. It means travelling and writing full-time, which we love. It also means a lot of challenges, not least making ends meet financially.

In addition, we need to have a daily life, which we have while travelling. We do collaborations, bookkeeping and work with texts and images every day. And of course we need to exercise too! We have each brought a yoga mat and there has been at least one workout so far (in addition to hikes and stuff). We hope to do more soon!

Best this week

The best thing this week! That we are on the road with the motorhome, of course, and that the sun managed to come out a little, after all the cloudy and cold days. It has also been fantastic to experience the fantastic east coast in Hälsingland.

Your turn... What can you highlight as a positive from your week? We know that not every day is a sunny day, but no matter what the week has been like, we find it helps to remind ourselves of the good and positive things!

The beautiful Färssjön in Söderhamn municipality

The week ahead

We continue our journey in Hälsingland, first up the coast and then inland. Here at FREEDOMtravel you can count on several reports about Hälsingland, of course mixed with a little more, as usual. Now we take the opportunity to wish you a really nice Friday and weekend!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Finally time for a motorhome trip - we're heading north!

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