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Home from Dalarna - ready for a visit from South Africa

We are now back home in Stockholm, after our motorhome trip in Hälsingland and Dalarna. It has been a very intense few days, and we are now getting ready... for a visit from South Africa!


Back home - after travelling in Hälsingland and Dalarna

It has been a fantastic journey in Hälsingland and Dalarna. Perhaps we were particularly fond of Hälsingland, which we did not know very well and which therefore surprised us (positively!) in many ways. Of course, it is also incredibly beautiful in Dalarna. We haven't had time to tell you about all the places we visited yet, so there will be more reports soon.

The very last stop on the journey was at the big Dala horse in Avesta

Things that break ... an eternal fix!

Peace and quiet when we got home? Not at all ... Apart from working, of course, we have had lots to do with cleaning, laundry, things that have broken, printer cartridges that have run out, things to be taken to the dump and so on endlessly.

We don't have a TV in the motorhome, so we were looking forward to a cosy TV night in the houseboat. What happened then? Well, the TV broke... We took the broken TV to the dump and bought a new one at Netonnet. After dragging the new one into the boat (more challenging than you might think on the windy dock), it turned out that the new TV was... broken!

Back to Netonnet, explain the situation (yes, this particular variant used to be a problem!) and change to a new one, which we dragged in through the wind ... Yes, but that's how the days have been this week. We haven't had time for a TV night yet, but maybe it will happen eventually!

FREEDOMtravel - travel magazine and motorhome magazine

Our super talented web developer, who we use when we need to rebuild things on the site, has now finished our two main pages:

So what is the idea behind this? Well, we have always struggled with the fact that some people feel that we do not have a clear enough focus. "Do you write about travelling? Or do you write about motorhome life? Shouldn't you refine your focus and choose one ...?"

Since we like both travelling with and without a motorhome, we can't really manage to "streamline" ourselves. But now we have created a separate part of the site that only focuses on motorhome travel and living.

If you are a regular follower, you can continue reading here as usual. Anyone who only If you want to find reading material focussing on motorhome travel, click on "To the motorhome magazine". This division also means that companies wishing to advertise on FREEDOMtravel can choose whether they want to advertise on the entire site, or only on the motorhome section.

This is what it now looks like at the top of all reports...

Getting ready for a visit from South Africa

Right now we are getting ready for visits from South Africa! In just a few days, our friends, Henri and Michelle, will be visiting all the way from Johannesburg. We visited them in South Africa earlier this year, and they took us on an amazing safari week in Kruger Park.

Now it's our turn to show them Sweden! We will first guide them in Stockholm, and then we will take them on a journey through the southern parts of the country - in our motorhome. It will be a lot of fun, and interesting to see how they will experience our country. We will get back to you on this of course!

Best this week

The best thing this week? That we finally have a TV that works, maybe? And that we're slowly, slowly starting to sort out the mess...

Your turn ... what has been the best part of your week?

The week ahead

We will be home in Stockholm for a little while longer, and soon we will have visitors from South Africa. First we'll be sightseeing in the capital, and then we'll hit the road. You are welcome to follow the adventure on Instagram at @freedomtravelnews!

Here on you can expect more reports from Dalarna, mixed with some guest reports. Eventually, of course, there will be updates from our adventures with Henri and Michelle too!

Have a great Friday and weekend!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Concert, dinner at home ... and remodelling in progress!

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