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Our South African friends are now visiting Sweden!

Now our South African friends are at last on a visit to Sweden. Henri and Michelle landed at Arlanda a few days ago, and we have had time to look around Stockholm together. Now we've also set off on a motorhome trip to see more of Sweden!


Stopover in the houseboat

It was a "stopover" in the houseboat for us between the trip in Hälsingland / Dalarna and the next trip to Sweden. Not exactly peace and quiet, but still nice to land at home for a while. In addition, several days and evenings with nice weather!

Beautiful summer days can be really lovely in Pampas marina, where we live. Mirrored water, small boats chugging in and out, people sitting on the restaurant's outdoor terrace, and ducks swimming or hanging out on the docks.

Visit from South African friends

We also prepared all the time for the visit of our South African friends. After all, we hung out with them in Johannesburg and Kruger Park earlier this year. We have known for a long time that they would be visiting us in Sweden this summer, but it has still been difficult to imagine that they will suddenly be here.

But then it was time! Henri arrived at Arlanda at 10am, from Dublin. Michelle arrived an hour later, from Johannesburg via Paris. (Yes, they are also frequent travellers! It was in the Philippines that we got to know them).

Stockholm showed itself from its best side, and it seems that our long-distance guests really appreciated the marina, the weather and the houseboat life. There were even several dips!

Michelle and Peter swimming in Pampas marina
Michelle, Peter and two ducks who got curious

Stockholm visit

We started with a quiet day in the marina - when you've travelled far, you often need to rest a lot. Then we spent two days in the Swedish capital. We've planned a whole report on this, so we'll come back to it. In the meantime, we can tell you that our friends were surprised by how beautiful Stockholm and how much water there is everywhere.

At first they thought "where are all the people?", but that was before they came to Djurgården and Old Town. Then it was suddenly lively!

Our friends Henri and Michelle, from South Africa, on Djurgårdsbron

Travelling to Sweden in a motorhome

We are now "done" with Stockholm and have set off on a motorhome trip in Sweden with our friends. The plan is to show them (parts of) Sweden, preferably in a calm and relaxed way.

How to travel four in the motorhome? What will we do? And what will they think of Sweden? Follow the adventure on Instagram at @freedomtravelnews! We will also write more here as soon as we can!

The FREEDOM motorhome during our trip in Dalarna

Best this week

The best thing this week? That our friends from South Africa are here of course! It's really nice to meet again and to show our country to people from so far away. It's also great that we've now set off on the motorhome trip in Sweden ... it remains to be seen how it will be!

Your turn... What can you highlight as positive from your week?

The week ahead

We've just left Stockholm on our motorhome journey south through central and southern Sweden. We'll tell you more as soon as we can! Here at FREEDOMtravel you can also expect more reports from our trip in Dalarna. Now we wish you a really nice Friday and weekend!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Home from Dalarna - ready for a visit from Dalarna

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