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Stockholm with foreign guests - our top tips


We've visited Stockholm with foreign guests, and now we're sharing our top tips. Our South African friends, Henri and Michelle, are currently visiting us in Sweden, and we are travelling around the country in our motorhome. We started the journey in Stockholm, where we live.


Stockholm with foreign guests

Have you ever visited Stockholm with foreign guests? We thought a lot before Henri and Michelle came here. What would we choose to show? You want to show nice, interesting and genuine places, without it being too stressful or tiring.

We had an incredible trip ourselves in South Africa when we visited our friends in their country. Now it was our turn to 'invite back'. Here are the places we chose to take our guests to.

1. Your own neighbourhood

Do you live in Stockholm yourself? Then of course it's nice to bring your foreign guests to your home, and show off your neighbourhood. When you're visiting another country, it's often great to be invited home and see a bit more of everyday life.

We live in a houseboat, so we showed off our home, which included a bath. There was also a walk in both Solna and in Kungsholmen, and some Swedish food at our home. What did we serve? It was, among other things, rimmed salmon with dill stewed potatoes and homemade meatballs with mashed potatoes and lingonberries. Much appreciated!

2. Old town

A "must" to do in Stockholm with foreign guests is of course to visit the Old Town. This is the most historic part of the capital, and the alleys are also incredibly charming and beautiful.

You can take the opportunity to learn a bit of history while shopping, having a coffee or eating in one of the many restaurants. Or why not visit the Royal Palace? We saw some of the changing of the guard, and our friends also made several shopping bargains.

3. Strandvägen and Djurgården

If the weather is nice, it is very pleasant to walk along Strandvägen to Djurgården. Here you can see the beautiful facades of Strandvägen, all the boats and all the cosy outdoor cafés. For us, it was an ice cream and a whole bunch of photo stops.

Stockholm med utländska gäster

Once you arrive at Djurgården, there are plenty of museums to choose from, as well as restaurants and other entertainment.

4. The Vasa Museum

We chose to take our South African friends to Vasa Museum, which feels like one of the "most important" sights in Stockholm. The fact that it was possible to salvage this large and fantastically decorated ship, and that it is still in such fine condition, is quite incredible after 333 years on the seabed.

It's fascinating to see the ship in all its mighty glory, but it's also interesting to see the fine exhibitions, where you can learn about the lives of the shipbuilders, sailors, women and everyone else at the time.


We took the opportunity to watch the film that was shown and which tells about the Vasa ship. The film is shown at different times, in different languages, so it's a good idea to check the schedule for your preferred language. We watched the film in English and it gave us a really good introduction and feel for everything the museum is about. Both we and our South African friends enjoyed the film.

5. Abba The Museum

We also chose to take our friends to Abba The Museum in Stockholm. Abba are huge and popular around the world, and Michelle had an Abba-themed 50th birthday party back home in South Africa. So what could be better than a visit here?

Stockholm med utländska gäster - Abba the Museum

The Abba Museum is really nicely designed and takes you on a journey from the Swedish folk park culture and through the whole of Abba's breathtaking career, including the great musicals with music by Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus.

Abba's music can be heard everywhere in the museum, and here and there you can also interact by conducting or getting on stage. "Walk In, Dance Out" says the museum, and that's it. Ever since our visit here, we have been walking and dancing to Abba songs ... Well worth a visit we all thought!

Stockholm med utländska gäster - Abbamuseet

6. The History Museum

As our South African friends are interested in history, we also chose to visit the History Museum. Please note that we not visited all the museums on the same day, which would have been a bit too much to take in what was on display.

We like the History Museum, and not least the long historical timeline that you can follow on the floor. Even our foreign guests appreciated this museum.

Stockholm with foreign guests - how was the visit experienced?

So, how did our South African friends experience their visit to Stockholm? They expressed that they found Stockholm incredibly beautiful and very well organised, and they were surprised by how much water there is in the city.

Several times they said "Where are all the people?", but when we got to Djurgården we discovered that there are some people in our dear capital after all...

Stockholm with foreign guests - some more suggestions

What else can you do in Stockholm with foreign guests? You usually have limited time, and you have to choose among the treats. Of course, what to choose depends on the weather and the season, but also on the guests' interests. Here are some more suggestions on what to do.

Boat trip in the Stockholm archipelago

A boat trip in the Stockholm archipelago can be a great way to experience Stockholm in the summer. There are lots of different tours to choose from, for example to Fjäderholmarna, Vaxholm or Sandhamn.

Drottningholm Castle

Drottningholm Castle is not only beautiful and fascinating, but also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. You can visit the castle gardens and take a guided tour.

Amphibious Ocean Bus

Amphibious Ocean Bus is a different and fun way to experience Stockholm. The vehicle first walks on land and then goes straight into the water. Guiding is in English (80 per cent) and Swedish (20 per cent).


If you want to experience Stockholm with foreign guests, it is of course also an option to visit Skansen. At Skansen you can see traditional Nordic buildings and animals and learn about culture and traditions.

More museums

Of course, there are many more museums in Stockholm than the ones we've mentioned here. You can pick and choose based on your interests. Feel free to read our guide to museums in Stockholm.

Drottningholms slott
Drottningholm Palace in Stockholm

Even more tips on things to do in Stockholm with foreign guests

Want even more tips on things to do in Stockholm with foreign guests? Below you will find more articles with tips for our capital. Maybe you also have suggestions or experiences? Please tell us in a comment!

Stockholm med utländska gäster

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