At first I was going to write "setbacks", but challenges are better, right? Because of course it is. Not everything is "happy" all the time. There are all sorts of things that go wrong all the time, that you have to deal with ...
Table of contents
Isn't it happy and fun all the time travelling around like we do? We think we have a dream job and we love But that doesn't mean it's easy. One of the biggest challenges for us is, of course, making ends meet. We really want to do something good, both for the reader and for the destinations we write about, but it also means that we constant have to sell the concept to new partners, which is sometimes challenging.
As press, we are relatively often given free entry to attractions, but this is not always the case, and we are constantly prioritising how best to spend our money. And sometimes there are other small challenges, like not being allowed to take photos. We usually ask if we can use a press photo, to show to your readers. "You can buy this book with pictures in it," replies some uncle from a local history society. But well, we were more after the rights to show the picture digitally ...
Then there is everything else in life at the same time. Peter is renovating, fixing and wallpapering and making the motorhome look soooo nice (we'll show you soon!). What happens then? Well, it's raining through the roof, right in the middle of the new upholstery! I mean, really, was is the water leak? We don't understand?
And why do the batteries in the camper van run out so quickly when we are free camping, even though we really cheapskate on the electricity? We don't get it either... In addition, my (Helena's) computer is crashing and is supersail …

We both have birthdays in the summer and this week it was my (Helena's) turn to turn one. We celebrated with a waffle lunch at Buffils Annas kaffestuga in Siljansnäs. Sooo cosy!

Meeting with motorhome friends
We've also got a meet-up with motorhome friends this week. The couple behind the Instagram account @husbilsbogarna was in our neighbourhood and invited us for an evening of Thai food. Sooo nice! We met at the rest area Fornby long pier in Siljanäs, where there was both good food and a lot of nice chat. What lovely guys! We wish you a great trip!

Some news on the site!
Not only are we travelling around with the motorhome, but we are also working and developing the site. Here are some recent news items:
- Our page on Sweden has been redesigned to make it easier to find. You can now go directly to the landscape of your choice - and there you will find all the reports.
- New country pages is up in the menu! You can now go directly to reports on Jordan and Zimbabwe.
- Wednesday room pauses. We have too many other things to publish at the moment, so it doesn't really fit. Maybe it will come back, maybe not?

Best this week
Best thing this week? That we get to keep travelling in the motorhome, that it keeps rolling (despite water leaks) and that we meet a lot of wonderful people!
Your turn ... what has been the best part of your week?

The week ahead
We're travelling in Dalarna right now, and we'll continue to do so this week. So far we've told you about First Camp Orsa - Dalarna, and there will be much more about Dalarna soon! Of course, mixed with travel news and reports by guest writers. We wish you a great Friday and weekend!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Hälsingland and Dalarna - the motorhome journey continues
Monica says:
Annoying that the roof was leaking and a bit weird. Could it have been hit and damaged by something that fell? Hard tree branches or something else. Otherwise waiting with excitement for tapetseringsresultatet☺️.
Best here that we rested from two gardening jobs at different house sites. Husband stiff and immobile, almost and I hurt but like a miracle everything feels good again. Mine disappeared after rest and exercise which husband is sceptical about.
And we think it's nice to have some variety in the weather. And found nice flowers to plant after all the bloomed out and miserable pansies. Bought many new ones at great prices. When I started picking for myself, customers came and saw them first then and thought that we should have them too. Then I helped an Indian choose a cake for a party, he laughed but thanked me for wondering about our strange ingredients. Would be fun to hear if the guests liked it.
05 July 2024 - 14:27
Helena says:
Yes, strange with the leakage ... It can also be around windows, in various brackets and the like. We have tried to seal a little here and there, let's see what happens ... So glad you feel better! A curious thought: What were the ingredients that the Indian thought were strange ...? 😉
06 July 2024 - 9:37
Monica says:
Yes actually cakes would be ordered here but they showed a range of finished. There were cheesecake type and cheese in sweets I think they use, they have a lot of sweetness, then there were cakes completely hidden by fruit and berries but a nice princess cake it was but a little different and with nice chocolate figures. Then raspberry jam and vanilla cream and cream mixed in the cake and he thought that seemed interesting🙂I think he also looked at it was beautiful. I was just going to buy some cardamom buns and he asked if I could help him with the cake. And now I know they have a lot of sweet in baked goods so was probably bra☺️
06 July 2024 - 11:02
BP says:
Having a motorhome seems to be about as challenging as having a house. There is always something to fix. Luckily Peter is so handy and can fix most things himself. More doubtful if he can fix your laptop though.
The thing about photo rights. You can actually take photos of everyone and nothing in all "public places". And a farm or other attraction can almost always be classed as a "public place" according to what I have read.
There are only a few places where you are absolutely not allowed to take photos, including toilets and inside changing rooms. And you never do that anyway.
Shoot from the hip I would say. Just keep shooting!
05 July 2024 - 19:04
Helena says:
Yes, there really is always something to fix!!! No, he couldn't fix the laptop... We went to the shop, but the repair would take five weeks, so I ended up buying a new one. Really must have a computer that works!!!
Yes, you are usually allowed to take photos in public places, but lately I've been told that this may not always apply to works of art ... strangely enough. When you're not allowed to take photos, it's usually indoor environments, in some museums, preserved homes and the like.
06 July 2024 - 9:41
bmlarstravellingblog says:
There are challenges in motorhome life! We never thought we would be in order this spring. There was heating that did not work, mice that chewed on a plug for the diesel tank so it was re-inspected, some warranty issues and fix after moisture got in at a roof hatch. Hope your leak is solved now that Peter has fixed so heavenly cosy in the motorhome. Otherwise, we understand that you had a nice week in Dalarna with fun meetings and nice experiences. We ourselves have had a great time on the roll in beautiful northern Norway but now we are starting to head south. We have just realised that it is a long way home ...
We wish you a nice weekend!
05 July 2024 - 19:56
Helena says:
Yes indeed, always something!!! Peter has tried to seal in the roof, we'll see at the next downpour if it helped ...! Lovely with Northern Norway, but yes, long distances! Drive carefully!
06 July 2024 - 9:42
Cat's Considerations says:
Hello everybody! It is true that there is always a life behind the scenes. I'm sorry to read about the leak and I really hope you are on the track soon. Electricity is necessary as I know you work diligently. Now I'm craving a new trip down to Hälsingland again. So, you are so heavenly talented and determined. Hugs to you. /Katarina Considerations
06 July 2024 - 6:41
Helena says:
What fun if we can inspire! Thanks for your nice comment Katarina! Wishing you all the best and a great weekend!
06 July 2024 - 9:43