
We are on a motorhome trip through Sweden, with our South African friends Henri and Michelle. How is it going, what are we experiencing and what do they think of our little corner of the world? Here is a first short little report ...


Travelling through Sweden in a motorhome - with our South African friends

Four adults - from two different continents - on a motorhome tour through Sweden. Is it crazy? Well, maybe a little. But if you're not crazy, life gets a bit more boring.

Michelle and Henri fixing their suitcase, which they keep in our "garage" in the motorhome

A first stop in Trosa

Henri and Michelle flew to Stockholm, and we started with three or four days in the capital. We told you about what we did in the report on Stockholm with foreign guests.

Then it was time to leave in the campervan! We started calmly, with packing and shopping, and drove a short distance to nice Trosa.

Perhaps our friends were a little surprised when we stopped in a paved car park, but when they saw charming Trosa, they understood very well why we chose to stay here. They loved the town and expressed again and again that they were fascinated by how picturesque, tidy and well-organised it is.

Michelle, Henri, Helena and Peter in Trosa

Travelling four adults in a motorhome

So, what is it like travelling four adults in a motorhome? We got to know each other in Philippines last year (during joint boat trips!) and since then we have visited Henri and Michelle in South Africa. We've discovered that we get on well together, but of course it's still a challenge travelling so close together for such a long time.

The benefit is that we all show each other consideration, and we give each other space. We all need our own time to work, rest, shower, talk on the phone and hang out on social media. Then you are ready to socialise and discover!

How is Sweden perceived?

So, how are our friends experiencing Sweden? We plan to come back and tell you much more about it. So far, we can say that they use words like beautiful, green, clean, orderly, safe and picturesque. Occasionally they ask "Where are all the people?" and sometimes they think it's a bit chilly, but mainly they are overwhelmed of how nice and relaxed it is.

Michelle and Henri in Vadstena

Best this week

Best this week? We like to think back on the past week and remind ourselves of the positives. This week it is without a doubt the trip in Sweden together with our South African friends. They help us see Sweden with new eyes and it is absolutely amazing to experience our own country together with them.

Your turn... What can you highlight as the best thing from your week?

Michelle and Peter at Brahehus, by Lake Vättern

The week ahead

We've come a long way on our trip to Sweden with Henri and Michelle, but we still have a long way to go. During the week we will continue to discover Sweden with them!

Here on FREEDOMtravel we will tell you about the first part of the Sweden trip, mixed with other reports, by both us and guest writers. You can of course also follow the Sweden trip on Instagram at @freedomtravelnews.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful weekend!

South African Michelle at Lake Vättern in Sweden

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Our South African friends are now visiting Sweden!

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