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Raffle, discount code and the motorhome in the workshop


Happy Friday! Today we can offer a raffle and a discount code! In addition, we tell you a little about our own week, when we had the motorhome in the workshop.


Raffle - win a motorhome pass

Win a campervan pass from First Camp! We've teamed up with First Camp to offer you the chance to win a campervan pass (worth £299) so you can enjoy autumn camping at a great price! With the campervan pass you can camp at 70 campsites, all year round, for a fixed price of SEK 250/day. Here's how to enter the competition:

1) Follow @freedomtravelnews and @firstcamp on Facebook

2) Write a comment to our Facebook post about the competition and tell us which First Camp destination you would most like to visit on your next motorhome holiday!

We will choose 3 winners! The competition runs until 31 August. Good luck to you!

Discount code - for cheaper pitches

In cooperation with Göta Canal, we can offer all readers a 40 % discount on all Göta Canal pitches throughout September 2024! The code is valid for pre-booking, from 1-30 September.

Motorhome in the workshop

So, how has our week been? We've had the motorhome in the workshop, because it didn't pass the inspection. The airbag light was on and we had too high exhaust emissions. On recommendation, we took the motorhome to Torvalla LVC in Västerhaninge, where it feels like it has been in very capable hands.

We have now received help with the problems and we also bought a gas tube for fixed installation (LPG), which we will need when we travel in Europe. Now the motorhome is back home, and next week there will be a new inspection.

A week of work, daily chores ... and festivities

We have mostly been at home in the houseboat. There will be a lot of work in front of the computers, and right now we are also preparing for Elmia Caravan Motorhome 11-15 September. We're planning the stand, the lectures, the awards and everything else. It will be fun!

When we are at home and working, we always make sure to get out for some kind of walk every day. In the best case it will be a shorter workout too, but not always... The picture below is from the Golden Gate statue at the Western Forest, not far from where we live.

Good food happens from time to time too! When we had guests earlier, we offered Finnish onion roe, and now we had some "onion roe leftovers" ... Wow, how luxurious!

Best this week

Best thing this week? Maybe that the motorhome is home again? Now we just hope that the inspection goes well, we need the motorhome for Elmia! We are also happy for the lovely weather, which almost feels like summer!

Your turn... What can you highlight as a positive from your week, big or small?

The week ahead

We'll be back in Stockholm for another week, getting ready for the Elmia trade fair. Here at FREEDOMtravel, we'll be reporting on South Africa, as well as a guest report with a different angle... don't miss it!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Stockholm, houseboating, friends and good food

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