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Everyday life in the houseboat again - work, fix and fair preparations


Time for everyday life in the houseboat again! It was so much fun travelling around Sweden with our South African friends, and we are so grateful for this great friendship! But yes, now it's still a little nice to be back home in everyday life.


Back home after the motorhome trip with our South African friends

The campervan trip in Sweden, together with Henri and Michelle, was amazing and will be a memory for life. It was special to experience your own country together with friends from another culture.

How did four people manage to travel in a motorhome? Unexpectedly well! Of course it felt cramped at times, but if we were to choose to do this with anyone in the world, it would be Henri and Michelle. We were all good at giving each other space, and we also had a lot of fun together!

We'll tell you more soon! There will be a post about the last part of the journey soon (from Läckö Castle to Sala silver mine) and a post about what Henri and Michelle thought of Sweden. Don't miss it!

Houseboat life - with a fix in the houseboat

Now we are alone in the houseboat again, and Henri and Michelle are in Gothenburg, where she is competing in the heptathlon in World Masters Athletics Gothenburg Championchips 2024. We wish you good luck!

So, what do we do? We live the houseboat life and everyday life, which means we wash clothes, clean, work, exercise and watch TV. Peter is in a "fixing period" and has started to fix our laundry room/boiler room. There was a new floor and a new dehumidifier. Feels very fresh and good!

Jobs and preparations for the Elmia fair

We also work, as I said, with our digital travel magazine FREEDOMtravel. This means, among other things, that we write reports, handle guest writers' reports, answer emails, discuss collaborations on sponsored articles and adverts, present statistics to partners, take care of accounting and much more.

We have also started preparing for the Elmia fair, where we are involved in organising Destination Square - a place with exhibitors, lectures, award ceremonies and other fun, all with a focus on where you want to travel with your campervan. You can already check out the exciting lecture programme - at the link above and on the Elmia website!

Lecture at Destinationstorget last year

Last chance to vote for Destination Sweden 2024

A new feature at Elmia Husvagn Husbil 2024 is that you are involved in deciding which destination will be "Destination Sweden of the Year 2024"! Five Swedish destinations have been nominated and the readers' / fair participants' votes will decide who wins! You can vote until 20 August. When you vote, you also have the chance to win fair tickets!

The winner will be announced on Saturday 14 September at 16:00. Location: Destination Stage Rydbergsalen in the Congress Centre, Elmia Husvagn Husbil, Jönköping.

Best this week

The best thing this week? It's being home again, and at the same time being able to enjoy the nice trip to Sweden we made together with Henri and Michelle. Now we appreciate simple things, like catching up on work, resting, exercising and watching some TV. Your turn... what can you highlight as a positive from the week?

The week ahead

We haven't had much time to plan, but we'll probably be home for a while. Here at FREEDOMtravel you can expect reports from our latest trip, mixed with some guest articles. Now we take the opportunity to wish you a really nice Friday and weekend!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the We experience Sweden with new eyes

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