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We are getting ready for the Elmia fair in Jönköping


We are getting ready for the Elmia fair in Jönköping on 11-15 September. How can there be so much to prepare? It never ends, it seems ... But it will be a lot of fun!


Full up every day ...

Even though we are home right now, every day is busy. Most of it is about preparing for Elmia, but there is also a lot of other stuff. We're producing content for FREEDOMtravel, liaising with our guest writers, and also having a lot of meetings and other social gatherings.

The picture below is from the supermarket The world of food in Veddesta outside Stockholm, where we shopped this week. If you have the roads past, we can recommend shopping there sometime! Walking around this store is almost like travelling abroad, fantastic fun and exciting (while the prices are good)!

Re-inspection of the motorhome

The motorhome did not pass the inspection last time, and therefore it has been in the workshop. One of the faults (that the airbag light was on) had been fixed at the workshop. The other problem (that we had too high exhaust emissions) we would try to solve with an agent in the diesel tank, and by driving the motorhome "hard". If this didn't work, there was another solution, which would be extremely expensive. When we arrived at the inspection, we kept our fingers crossed, hard.

"You can celebrate!" shouted the girl who test drove the motorhome, as she came towards us after the test drive. "Everything looks really good!" So, phew... Happy Friday!

So much to prepare for the Elmia fair

The Elmia Husvagn Husbil fair is a really big thing for us, that is, Peter, me (Helena) and Peter's brother Micke. We're in charge of the Destination Square and the Destination Stage, we have our own stand, we have lectures and we award the Destination of the Year prize. We'll also have time to discuss partnerships and make reports... We're really busy with preparations right now. Here is some of what we are doing:

  • Plan how the stand will look: What equipment do we need? What should go where? What needs to be ordered?
  • Take stock of stand fittings: Tables, chairs, baskets, televisions, exhibition walls, boards, street talkers, roll-ups, tools and equipment for stand construction (tape, scissors, screws, chalk, electrical cables, etc.)
  • Inventory of trade fair materials: Pens, bracelets, leaflets, business cards
  • Shop for exhibition materials and equipment: Sweets, electrical cables and more
  • Printing signs and notices: Various info signs about times on stage, notes to fill in about newsletters
  • Inventory of trade fair clothing: We have decided that red, white and grey will be the theme...
  • Preparation of lectures: PP presentations
  • Preparing for the "Destination of the Year": Writing nomination texts, arranging diplomas, having signs printed for the awards, organising who can receive the award on stage, making PP presentations
  • Editing films together: Films to be shown on different TV sets
  • Testing technology: Test that films, TVs and cables work together properly
  • Plan for the daily schedule: Who will be on the stand? Who will give the lecture? Who will be the moderator/keep track of the other speakers' times? Who will go to the press conference? When will there be time to go round to meet partners and do reports?
  • Check with Elmia: Talk to organisers, technicians and everyone else about a thousand details
  • Update information about the fair: Make sure that our Destination Square page is up-to-date, update on social media
  • Inform everyone at the Destination Square: Ensure that exhibitors at the Destination Square and speakers at the Destination Stage receive relevant information.
  • Getting the motorhome ready for three people: Cleaning, laundry, inventory and purchase of consumables
  • Plan for food during the fair: Shopping lists for dinners and pasta salads (which we prepare in the motorhome and bring to the stand every day)
  • Plan for coverage during the fair: Which posts can be written in advance and which should be written on the spot, about what?

Best this week

The absolute best thing this week, without a doubt, is that the motorhome passed the inspection. Worth celebrating! There was also a little celebration one day during the weekend, when we decided that we wanted to eat crayfish. It was actually the first time this year, sooo good!

Now it's your turn to think about what you can highlight as positive from the week!

The week ahead

The week ahead ...? Yes, we continue to prepare for Elmia, while there will be some social events in the form of dinners and birthdays. The fair starts on 11 October, and we (Peter, Micke and I) will of course drive down in advance. We will update on social media, and there will also be reports here on!

Here you can read about our autumn travel plans.


Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Raffle, discount code and the motorhome in the workshop

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