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Follow our journey in Georgia!

Now a real adventure awaits! We are travelling to Georgia, an exciting country on the border between Europe and Asia. We will be travelling around by rental car, and it will be very interesting and fun.


Why Georgia?

We have been curious about Georgia for many years, but had not really taken the step of planning a visit. Then, during a trip to Istanbul, we got to know a journalist called Hélène. She was very keen on Georgia and kept asking: Can't we go together?

We thought it sounded like an exciting and fun idea and were initially very positive, but then so much happened in our lives (as usual) that it felt a bit uncertain whether it would happen. But then Hélène asked again: Should we go or not? We started planning in earnest and now it's done. We are going!

Georgia offers dramatically beautiful mountains, historic sights and plenty of vineyards. Known as the 'cradle of wine', the country still has ancient wine traditions and exciting wines.

How will we travel in Georgia?

We fly to the capital Tbilisi, where we have hired a car that we plan to keep for the duration of the trip. We will start by exploring the capital for two days and then embark on a tour of the country for about 8 days, which means we will stay one or two nights in each place.

We were a little hesitant about whether we should go all the way to Batumi - which is located on the Black Sea - or not, as it is a long drive. However, it seems very exciting to travel there, as this city is so different from the rest of Georgia, so we have decided to go there.

What are we planning to see and do?

We plan to see and experience a mix of what Georgia has to offer. There will be historical sights, mountains, nature, vineyards, swimming and modern cities. All in a blissful mix!

This trip is essentially a private trip, but we have had a meeting with the Georgian Embassy who helped us with lots of tips, suggestions and wise advice. The Georgian Tourism Organisation is also helping us with hotels. However, we are travelling entirely on our own - some things are planned in advance, and others we will plan along the way.

Hélène, with whom we are travelling, is a keen traveller and freelance journalist, who, among other things, travels on and writes about motorcycle trips.

Follow our journey!

As usual, we plan to write and publish many reports about the trip here on FREEDOMtravel. There will be some shorter reports while we are travelling, and then some longer ones when we are back home and have time to write and go through photos in peace and quiet.

We will try to update every day on Instagram with both pictures and stories. You can follow the journey there, on our Instagram account called @freedomtravelnews!

Have you been to Georgia - or is there something you're wondering about?

Have you been to Georgia and have any tips for us? Feel free to write a comment or an email! Or is there something you're particularly curious about and want to know more about? Let us know and we'll see if we can find out the answers!

The photos in the post are borrowed from image banks (Pixabay and Unsplash)

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