
Now we are home in Stockholm, on a small "stopover" between Innsbruck and Georgia. During this stopover we have, among other things, had time for an Irish evening in a pub in the Old Town. Happy Friday!


Home from Innsbruck

A few days ago we came home from Innsbruck - a city that really surprised us positively. Although the weather was rather grey and rainy, we had a great trip. We have been able to tell you about the nice the restaurants in Innsbruckand of course we will tell you more soon!

To go home we took the train from Innsbruck to Munich and from there we flew to Stockholm with Lufthansa. It was a fairly smooth journey, but we got home late in the evening/night so we were of course very tired ...

A meal that lasted a long time

We ate well in Innsbruck, including at Weinhaus Tyrol, where we were served a charcuterie board along with the wine tasting. We ate about half of it, and the rest we took with us in a "doggy bag".

The doggy bag came in handy on the train between Innsbruck and Munich. It was an excellent dinner, but could we finish it? No, the leftovers went home with us on the plane ...

The next day we had pasta in the houseboat, with the last remnants of the charcuterie tray. Perfect when one restaurant meal can last for three dinners...!

Event in Stockholm - focus on Ireland

Peace and quiet at home in Stockholm? No, not then ... One evening we were invited to an event in the Old Town, organised by Tourism Ireland. We travelled around Ireland (with a small rented motorhome) in 2018 and beloved really this island. We would love to go back here!

Now there was an Irish atmosphere with live Irish music, Irish beer, pub food and a quiz with a lot of tricky questions about Ireland. Very nice!

We were also reminded of the amazing Halloween celebrations in Derry, which it is soon time for again, even though we will not be there. An experience beyond the ordinary, we can promise!

For the quiz we formed teams with Marlene and Martin from Former Single Mum and Jikitas on an adventure (Instagram and Youtube). We fought hard, but we didn't win... We had fun anyway!

Best this week

Best this week? It's been an intense week, but Innsbruck offered many wow experiences, both in terms of nature and culture. Your turn... what has been the best part of your week?

Ambras Castle in Innsbruck

The week ahead

I helgen som kommer gör vi årets sista husbilsutflykt, som blir en tur till Peters bror och hans fru i skärgården. Där blir det släktträff och skaldjursfrossa. Därefter väntar … Georgien! Det berättar vi snart mer om!

Here at FREEDOMtravel, it will be a mixed bag as usual. You can expect reports on the seafood festival, Innsbruck and cruises among other things.

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Greetings from beautiful Innsbruck - capital of the Alps

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