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Travel frenzy - fair, chance to win and new trips


Total travel frenzy! We have been at the Travel Fair for three days, and in collaboration with we can offer both a discount and the opportunity to win a cruise. In addition, we have new trips going on, which we will tell you about!


The Travel Fair and Senior Festival are over for this time

The Travel Fair and the Senior Festival are over for this time. It has been three intense days at Stockholmsmässan in Älvsjö. Among other things, the fair has meant many pleasant and fun meetings - with colleagues, partners, friends, acquaintances and potential new readers.

We held two lectures - one on 15 amazing nature areas in Europea and one if 15 beautiful and unexpected cities in Europe. Both lectures attracted a large audience and the lecture theatre was completely full. Great fun!

New subscribers to the newsletter

Why are we at trade fairs? Well, we want to stay in touch with our readers and partners, and we want to get new readers. It's completely free to read FREEDOMtravel. At the same time, we need an income to run the magazine, and we get that from companies wanting to advertise, which they do because we have many readers. That's why it's important for us to keep working for a large readership!

We talk about FREEDOMtravel at trade fairs, and we also collect newsletter subscribers. We got many new subscribers now at the Travel Fair. That's great! Do you subscribe? If not, you can do so below:

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Get a discount on a cruise - or win a cruise!

We are currently working with who are experts in all kinds of cruises - everything from cosy river cruises in Europe to exotic cruises in the Caribbean. Mimmi Tysk, who is behind, is herself an incredibly committed and knowledgeable cruiser. We interviewed her at the fair (very interesting!), Which you will soon read about.

So far, we can tell you that is currently offering FREEDOMtravel readers a discount on Fly and Cruise to the Canary Islands and Madeira. Have a look here and use the discount code "MSCFREEDOM" if you find something that suits you!

Would you also like to have the chance to win a Mediterranean cruise? Compete here! The competition runs until 27 October 2024.

Frida and Mimmi from, at the Travel Fair

We are now preparing for new journeys

We have only been home from Greece for a short while, but we are already preparing for new trips. First, there will be a weekend in Innsbruck, and then an exciting tour of Georgia. We are really looking forward to this! Do you want to follow the trips a bit more in "real time"? Follow us on Instagram at @freedomtravelnews!

Best this week

Best this week? For us, it has been all the nice, pleasant and wonderful meetings at the Travel Fair! What has been the best part of your week?

Snacks after returning home, after a late finish at the fair

The week ahead

We will now be home for a few days, when we will be busy unpacking exhibition material from the motorhome, writing reports, compiling reports for partners and more. In addition, there will be celebrations of anniversaries and installation of a fixed LPG tank in the motorhome. Then we head for Innsbruck!

Here on FREEDOMtravel you can expect more reports on the lovely Karpathos in Greece, mixed with travel news and guest reports.

Peter in Karpathos, Greece, a week ago

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Lovely September days in Rhodes and Karpathos

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