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Quiet Christmas celebrations and finally some time to spare...

Christmas came and went, and here at home it's been pretty quiet. After an intense autumn, we finally feel like we've got some time to spare - both to tackle things that need doing and to unwind. Happy Friday!


A simple Christmas celebration

The whole of December has been a "cooking race" in our house. Cooking is a hobby for Peter and if he has a lot of work at the computer, he likes to take a break by standing in the kitchen for a while (or a few hours rather!). Every day, he has new plans in the kitchen - and sometimes the creations have to be photographed and filmed. For example, there was a massive post with recipes for luxury starters, and there will also be films on our YouTube channel.

We didn't have time to prepare the Christmas food in the same way, so we "cheated" a bit by buying a lot of things ready-made. Our Christmas celebrations have been quite simple this year. We met some relatives and friends before and after Christmas Eve, and then we organised a simple Christmas lunch at home, just the two of us. It's been nice not to have to stress about all the preparations for Christmas!

A simple Christmas lunch at our house, with mostly pre-purchased Christmas food

Finally, some time to spare...

This autumn, everything has come together, and we've barely had time to breathe or think. It's only now that we've got some time to spare. We are still busy with travel agency planning of course, but we've also had time to do a few other things, like ordering business cards, sorting through storage and all sorts of other things.

Time to spare also means that I (Helena) have had time to read blogs more than in a long time, which is a nice chore. And we have had time to watch TV series! First we followed Yellowstone (HBO Max) and then we watched Rome (HBO Max). We liked both! I don't know about the rest of you, but we tend to subscribe to one TV channel at a time. We like to watch shows on different channels, but we try to stick to paying for only one channel at a time.

Best this week

The best part of this week? It's probably that we've had some peace and quiet, both to get things done and to be able to relax with luxurious things like good food, TV series and blog reading. Your turn ... what has been the best part of your week?

A bowl we ate this week, containing "leftovers" from the fridge ...
Christmas dinner: Gravlax with dill stewed potatoes and salad

The week ahead

We will continue to hang out in Stockholm and in the houseboat during the week, while we load for New Year's celebrations. Here at FREEDOMtravel, we'll be reporting on food (both Swedish and more exotic), houseboat life and a slightly different cruise (guest writer). Hope you'll join us! Now we wish you a nice Friday and weekend!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Christmas is coming (and houseboating in stormy weather)

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