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Most popular travel destinations in 2024 - based on reader statistics on FREEDOMtravel

At, we have more than 4,500 travel reports, and every day we publish a new article on travel destinations or other travel-related topics. We have reviewed the statistics for 2024, and can now reveal which destinations have been most popular to read about during the year.


Most popular destinations on FREEDOMtravel

What is read most on FREEDOMtravel? Reading is of course influenced by what is published, but since many of the readers Google their way onto the site, reading is also largely driven by people's search behaviour.

To find out what was most read on FREEDOMtravel in 2024, we looked at the 100 most read stories of the year, according to Google Analytics, and categorised them by country and destination.

Most popular destinations in Sweden

New for this year is that Öland has risen to number 1 among popular holiday destinations in Sweden. Stockholm is stable in second place and Smögen has moved up from tenth place to an honourable third place. The figure in brackets indicates the position in 2023.

  1. Öland (6)
  2. Stockholm (2)
  3. Smögen (10)
  4. Helsingborg (3)
  5. Orust (NY)
  6. squid (9)
  7. Ystad (NY)
  8. Gränna (1)
  9. Falkenberg (5)
  10. Lund (NY)
Långe Erik on Öland

Most popular destinations outside Sweden

When it comes to destinations outside Sweden, European destinations are the most popular, with Germany continuing to top the league. For the first time, a country outside Europe has climbed up the list. We travelled to the Philippines for three months in 2023, so there are many stories about this country. The number in brackets indicates the ranking in 2023.

  1. Germany (1)
  2. Czech Republic (4)
  3. Croatia (3)
  4. Poland (2)
  5. Italy (7)
  6. Hungary (6)
  7. Philippines (NY)
  8. Albania (NY)
  9. Cyprus (NY)
  10. Belgium (8)
Att göra i Würzburg
Fine Wurzburg in Germany

Some thoughts on the lists...

There are several factors that influence which destinations make the lists, such as which destinations we have written about during the year, which destinations we have written about extensively in the past, which destinations have been written about in the media and how many other people have written about the destinations.

That Albania The higher ranking, despite the fact that it has been a long time since we wrote about the country, may be linked to the fact that the media highlighted Albania during the year, which in turn led people to Google more about Albania.

That Germany We are not surprised that Germany is the (fairly unchallenged!) number one foreign holiday destination. On the one hand, we have written many reports on German destinations and on the other hand, travelling in Germany is very popular, not least among motorhome travellers.

Among the destinations in Sweden we can say that both Öland and Stockholm are popular destinations - and we have several reports on these places.

Otherwise, we might have expected to see Dalarna on the list (Dalarna got so many likes on Best 9!), but as we visited Dalarna this year, the reports were not available until relatively late in the summer. Maybe Dalarna will be on the list next year?

Att göra i Leksand
Leksand in Dalarna - maybe on next year's list?

How many of the destinations on the lists have you visited? Are there any you are particularly curious about?

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