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Mini-adventures, solar panels and a nice visit to the houseboat

It's Friday again and time for "Happy Friday", with a little summary of our week. We've been on a mini-adventure, we've got solar panels and we've had a nice visit in the houseboat!


A mini-adventure

We've been home for quite some time now (by our standards anyway), so it was really fun to get away on a mini adventure this week. It was a journey by hire car, about 4 hours north. There was deep snow, good food and a very cosy Accommodation. Report coming tomorrow, Saturday!

Solar cells for your motorhome

This week we have also received a large package. A while ago we ordered solar cells for our motorhome, so that it will be a little easier for us to free camp. Many people say that they can free camp "forever", but the combination of an older motorhome and lots of electronics means that we are often limited and forced to take in pitches or campsites where there is electricity.

With solar cells we hope to feel a little freer! We bought the solar cells from Camping4u and we will install them sometime this spring. In the meantime, they will be in the parcel here at home and wait for better times.

Nice visit to the houseboat

This week we have also had a 'special visit' to the houseboat. Our guest writer Anna Nilsson Spets, who was recently on an adventure at Socotra Island, was on a visit to Stockholm.

She had been on an excursion to the Natural History Museum, together with her grandchildren Alice and Elsa and their aunt (behind the camera), and after that they took the opportunity to stop by for a coffee, and see what it's like to live in a houseboat. Great fun to have visitors!

Peter, Anna, Helena and Alice and Elsa

Best this week

Best thing this week? Well, it's probably that we went on a little mini-adventure in Sweden. You don't always have to travel that far for it to be an experience!

Your turn... what can you highlight as the most positive thing from your week?

Our houseboat at home in Stockholm

The week ahead

During the coming week, it will continue to be Stockholm and houseboat life for us. We have a whole bunch of meetings booked, mainly in connection with the development of the travel agency, so it will be a week full of work. Now we wish you a nice Friday and weekend!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Travel agency job, blog reading and Rioja Masterclass

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