Travel trends 2025 - what's really going on? This week we attended a press breakfast when the travel agency Ticket presented Ticket Collection 2025 - their annual report with statistics and trends on how Swedes travel.
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Ticket Collection 2025
Ticket Collection is one of the largest reports on the Swedish people's travel habits and favourite destinations. The report is produced every year and presented at a press breakfast for journalists and travel writers. This took place last Thursday, at Haymarket by Scandic in Stockholm, and of course we were there!

The 2024 holiday season
At the presentation, we first heard how Swedes travelled in 2024. According to Ticket's survey, 58% of Swedes travelled abroad on holiday in 2024, an increase of 10% compared to the previous year. However, half would have liked to travel more than they did, and the most common reason for not travelling more was not being able to afford it (64%).
Most Swedes paid for their holidays in 2024 with savings, but the share of those who chose to pay by instalments (via invoice, instalment or credit card) increased from 2% the year before to 9%.
So where did Swedes travel to in 2024? Unsurprisingly, Spain was the top destination. Other popular holiday destinations included Greece, Italy, Germany, France, Thailand and the United Kingdom.

Driving travel in 2025: Everyday escape
The biggest driver for travelling abroad in 2025 is to get away from everyday life, which is a break in the trend as this reason ranked fourth last year.
Why people plan to travel abroad - top 5
- To get away from everyday life (44 %)
- To get sun and heat (42 %)
- To rest up (32 %)
- To spend quality time with partner/family (32 %)
- To discover new destinations (29 %)

Desired type of travel in 2025: Sun, sea ... and cruises
According to Ticket's survey, more than half of Swedes say that sun and beach holidays are the most attractive. An interesting break in the trend is the increased interest in cruises, which has risen from 4 per cent to 12 per cent.
Desired type of trip abroad - top 5
- Sun and sea holiday (56 %)
- Metropolitan travel (41 %)
- Adventure travel (21 %)
- Generational travel with family (15 %)
- Crossing (12 %)

Destination choice 2025: Safety and security
Already last year, safety and security was the most important factor in choosing a holiday destination, and this year the proportion of people who consider this to be crucial has increased by ten per cent.
Top 5 factors to consider when choosing a holiday destination
- That it is safe and secure (50 %)
- Price of the journey (49 %)
- Stable weather at destination (32 %)
- That it is cheap on site (22 %)
- The existence of direct flights (21 %)

Top 10 holiday countries in 2025
Europe continues to grow in popularity and Spain is still the Swedes' favourite, according to Tickets booking statistics. New to the top list of holiday destinations for 2025 is the Netherlands, which was not on the list last year. It may also be worth mentioning Cape Verde, which although not on the top list, has grown in popularity, with a doubling of bookings.
- Spain
- Thailand
- Greece
- Italy
- France
- United Kingdom
- Germany
- The Netherlands
- Portugal

Top 10 holiday destinations in 2025
In terms of holiday destinations most booked, most are in Spain or Thailand. New on the list are Amsterdam and Paris.
- Gran Canaria
- Bangkok
- Malaga
- Alicante
- Amsterdam
- Barcelona
- Paris
- Majorca
- Phuket
- Tenerife

Top 10 countries on the 2025 wish list
When you ask Swedes which country they prefer wool the top list looks a little different. According to Ticket's survey, the vast majority of people want to go to Japan, and food culture and pop culture are thought to be the main attractions.
- Japan
- Italy
- Greece
- Spain
- Thailand
- United Kingdom
- Croatia
- Portugal
- France

Travel trends 2025 - a reflection
Much remains the same when it comes to Swedes' travelling habits - with Spain consistently topping the charts - but there are also some changes. Interestingly, cruises are growing in popularity and more people are choosing to pay for their trips in instalments. It's also a bit exciting that Japan is so high on the wish list, although of course travelling to Japan is a bit more challenging (and more expensive) than to Spain.
We think Cape Verde sounds like an exciting alternative to the Canary Islands. We also think that Tunisia, to a slightly cautious extent, is gaining in popularity.
What are your reflections on travel in 2024 and travel trends in 2025?
Snows says:
I'm not particularly surprised by either the 2024 travel or the 2025 trends. Some countries are safe cards, are reasonably close and are affordable. Big cities attract many, which does not surprise me either.
However, I would never travel on instalments; the trip must be paid for in cash.
I think it's a bit funny that cruises are increasing. In the past, I have completely dismissed that way of travelling but the fact is that I could imagine trying.
18 January 2025 - 8:20
Helena says:
I also think that there is a small trend break in how to look at cruises, and that more people are open to the idea. Maybe you hear more about cruises, and maybe it has also become more clear that there are many different types of cruises, for different wishes and tastes.
18 January 2025 - 19:43
Orsakulla mum at 20 - Dala life, fine china & poodle life says:
I'm the kind of person who doesn't fly so my travelling is within Sweden. But it is something I enjoy 🙂. There are many beautiful things to experience in our country.
18 January 2025 - 12:34
bmlars travelling companion says:
It's always fun to read summaries like this, while we feel that we do not fit into the results, in terms of reasons for travelling or destinations. For us, both sun and beach holidays and cruises on large ships in the Caribbean, for example, go away, as well as trips to Thailand, the USA and Japan do not attract a bit. As usual, we usually say that it is lucky that not everyone thinks the same, what a shame it would be....
18 January 2025 - 14:37
Helena says:
Agree, it's good that not everyone thinks the same! That way we also spread out a bit when we travel, so that not everyone travels to the same places! 😉
18 January 2025 - 19:46
Helena says:
Orsakulla, there is an incredible amount to experience in Sweden, agree! Then, if you want, you can visit neighbouring countries without flying too.
18 January 2025 - 19:44
Ditte says:
A little fun that Spain also for 2025 has 6 of the 10 most popular destinations. I think cruises are a pretty good way to travel. Our cruise in South America for two weeks where we i.a. rounded Cape Horn is probably the best trip we made. One advantage was that the ship was not gigantic, it would not have worked in terms of travel. We also had days in Santiago in Chile before the cruise and in Buenos Aires on the way home. Really a great trip with lots to see and experience. Not least i.a. Patagonia and the Falkland Islands. We have tested cruising in the Caribbean but nothing we do again. Boring and nothing to see. Imagine when three giant ships come to a small island and everyone goes out and looks around.
Travelling on credit doesn't seem to be well thought out.
Glad to see that Japan is at the top. We have not yet been here and a trip there and a cruise in these waters attracts.
Cape Verde we thought about now in Feb. but did not feel so fun. Have friends who have been there and they thought it was sun and swimming and not much to see and experience. But one is different.
I worked in Tunisia in the mid to late 1970s and the country has a lot to offer, but doubtful if it will succeed again. I hope so.
I believe that the current political situation in the world and the unrest that comes with it will limit travel in 2025 and that countries close to us will be more visited.
18 January 2025 - 12:45
Helena says:
Cruising in South America sounds incredibly exciting! There are really many exciting cruise holidays that sound tempting! Like you, we believe that the world situation affects, and that you therefore want some safe destinations. At the same time, it feels like people are eager to discover something new again!
18 January 2025 - 19:48
Ditte says:
Wrote a long comment but maybe it needs to be reviewed.
18 January 2025 - 12:46
Helena says:
Yes, we have to review all comments before they are published... Your comments will arrive!!! 🙂
18 January 2025 - 19:49
Yossu says:
We seem to think the same way. I also thought that the increased popularity of Cape Verde is due to more people looking for an alternative to the Canary Islands, which seem to have had enough of the high number of tourists.
I have visited the island of Sal in Cape Verde and agree with what Ditte wrote, not much to do there. But I was lucky enough to see baby turtles hatching, so my main memory from there was not sun and swimming after all.
I am one of those who can imagine paying for the trip by credit card or invoice, but then I make sure that I can pay off the amount immediately when the bill arrives so that I avoid interest.
18 January 2025 - 15:14
Helena says:
Interesting to hear your experiences from Cape Verde! And also your reflections on paying for travel, thanks for sharing!
18 January 2025 - 20:21
BP says:
Spain and Gran Canaria are reasonably close to Sweden with a flight time of about four hours. In addition, the price situation is favourable for us Swedes. But now the locals there want to put an end to all littering tourists.
Japan is also my dream destination, but long flights and incredibly expensive accommodation probably deter many, quite apart from the language. English is not a given in Japan.
I can imagine that cruises are increasing in popularity among older people. Comfortable and sick luxury that you might want to treat yourself to for a week or two.
18 January 2025 - 18:26