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What's happening with the travel agency - ant steps and elephant steps


How is our upcoming travel agency coming along? We're working very hard on it at the moment, so we thought we'd tell you a bit about how it's going, and what we're planning. You could say that it is both ant steps and elephant steps ...


Our plans for the travel agency

Our upcoming travel agency, FREEDOM Xplore, will focus on experiences. It can be short swimming holidays or exotic adventures in faraway lands, but whatever the location, the packages we put together will revolve around an experience.

The idea is that we start from all the travel experiences we have (and will acquire) and simply pick out the gems. You could say that we want to pick the cherry on the cake and find things that we genuinely believe in and can stand behind, based on our personal experiences. The starting point is to focus both those who want to stay in a hotel/guesthouse/cottage and those who want to stay in their own motorhome.

We would not have dared to start this on our own. Starting and running a travel agency requires many different kinds of resources and competences, and for us there are several pieces that are completely new. That's why it suits us so well that we can collaborate with the company Your Brand Travel, which knows all about insurance, package travel rules, contract writing, booking systems and customer service ... yes, there is a lot to think about!

How we work with the travel agency right now

Our part in the work is, among other things, to come up with proposals for packages and experiences, talk to the experience organisers, put together proposals for packages, write texts, fix pictures ... and then to market it all.

Already we have learnt that it is a lot of work. The most important thing for us is that it is good! We really, really want to package experiences that offer that little extra and that feel unique and genuine.

We brainstorm ideas here at home, based on all the trips we have made, and then contact various organisers. Then there are emails, phone calls, video meetings or physical meetings (in some cases) and then lots of discussions about content and packaging.

Some are open to creating completely unique packages for our readers and customers, and many have fantastically fun, creative and thoughtful ideas. It's fun!

Ant steps and elephant steps

We feel that things are moving forward with "ant steps and elephant steps". Some things take a lot of time, more time than we perhaps realised it would take. Other things are moving at breakneck speed, and some days there is no end to the amount of new things that come up.

In general, we can say that it is fun to work with this, because it feels like a positive business, focusing on giving people great travel and holiday experiences. But it's a good thing we haven't had many trips booked, because this takes a lot of time!

A big THANK YOU to everyone who responded to the survey!

We would also like to take this opportunity to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to answer our little survey about our future travel agency. It means a lot to us! We have not had time to compile the answers yet, nor have we had time to draw the winners (those who receive SEK 600 credit to shop for experiences) but we will get back to you as soon as possible!

When will the travel agency open? This spring! When we open, the range will be a little smaller of course - and then it will gradually get bigger and bigger. We will of course keep you updated!

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