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Everyday life, blogging troubles and preparations for the fair


Writer: Helena Bergström

Happy Friday! So, where did this week really go? We barely know what we've done, and yet we've been busy. Do you sometimes feel like that too ... that the days just disappear?


Where did the week go?

On Thursdays, when I write this week's Happy Friday post, I usually check my phone to see what photos I've taken during the week. This week, I had taken a total of two photos ... of two dishes. So, the question is, what did we actually do all week?

It feels like we have been busy, but it has included some pretty "boring" things such as doctor's appointments, dentist's appointments and that we acted as a moving help. The only "fun" thing about the dentist visit was that it was SEK 1,500 cheaper (or less expensive rather) than expected. Happy Friday!

Food Photo of the Week #1: Meatballs with pasta, tomato sauce and olives.
Food photo of the week no. 2: Oven-baked salmon in lemon sauce with gratinated mashed potatoes.

Preparations for "Stockholm Caravan Motorhome"

One thing we are doing right now is preparing for the fair Stockholm Caravan Motorhome which will be held at Stockholmsmässan in Älvsjö on 13-16 March.

We will lecture every day at 14:00 on "10 picturesque towns in Germany". The lectures will take place at the All About Motorhomes stand, AG:710. Maybe see you there?

The fair takes place at the same time as the Everything for the seaand the ticket is valid for both fairs!

Peter is holding a roll-up that we ordered for the fair, and just collected.

Blogging problems - difficult to comment

When I can't "work" anymore, I like to relax by reading blogs. Many people like podcasts and YouTube, but I usually prefer reading to listening. One challenge for me is that sometimes my comments don't get through.

I write a comment and press send and then... nothing happens. Sometimes I have tried to contact the blogger on email or social media, but sometimes it is difficult to find contact details

So, if you have a blog, don't forget to check your spam from time to time!

Best this week

The best thing this week? It's probably that we finished a bunch of things that needed to be done. In addition, we have worked on the upcoming travel agency and had several good meetings. Small, step by step, it goes forward!

Your turn ... what is the most positive aspect of the week?

The week ahead

So what happens in the week ahead? Most of the week we'll be at home in Stockholm, but at the end of next week we'll actually be going on an adventure in Sweden - a completely private pleasure of a kind we rarely indulge in. Of course, we'll tell you more a little later!

Here on FREEDOMtravel, we will be reporting on some of the cultural attractions in Sweden and on one of our closest neighbouring countries. Don't miss it!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the A week full of impressions from around the world

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