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Inspiration about Latin America - and home-made breakfast


This week has offered both inspiration about Latin America and a home-made breakfast. Between the fun, we work a lot - not least with our upcoming travel agency. It is getting closer now!


Inspirational event on Latin America

This week we attended an inspirational event about Latin America and the Caribbean, organised by the LATA Nordic organisation. It was fun! We have travelled quite a lot, but we have never been to Latin America - it's a white spot on our map.

It's not that I'm not interested (quite the opposite!) but South and Central America has always felt like a big project, requiring time, money and planning.

At least we got a little teaser in the form of Latin American food, presentations, dance and music. The food was really good and perfect for mingling. Some of the goodies came from a shop on Kungsholmsstrand - not so far away!

We were also treated to dance performances, with wonderfully catchy music!

At the end of the evening, some small competitions were organised and both of us won. Peter won a Panama hat. Really nice I think, what do you think?

I won coffee beans from Bolivia. That's interesting! Now it seems that you have to roast these coffee beans before making coffee from them, and we have never done that before. Anyone have any tips?

Home-made breakfast from MSC

The second event of the week was with the cruise line MSC, together with Ticket. In good time before the event, we were told that it would be an online thing, as the participants were spread across the country. Even though you sat at home at your own computer, they fixed the event feeling, with home-made breakfast. Nice!

Both MSC and Ticket confirmed that interest in cruise holidays has increased significantly in recent times. The most popular destinations for cruises with MSC are:

  • Summer: 3) Norwegian fjords, 2) Eastern Mediterranean and 1) Western Mediterranean
  • Winter: 3) Mediterranean, 2) Canary Islands and Madeira and 1) the Caribbean

Travel agency - it's getting closer now!

You may know that we are starting a travel agency, called FREEDOM Xplore? It is great funbut it's also a crazy amount of work (of course). We put together experience packages for individual travellers and each package requires lots of discussions, questions, thoughts, considerations, agreements, text edits, photos and yes... it takes time. The only thing we want - and strive for - is for the packs to be good.

We will of course have a limited range when we open (but not so small anyway!) - because our focus is quality over quantity. The number of packages and partners will then be added, gradually, over time. When will we open? Soon! This month actually! We'll be in touch!

A biscuit on Christmas Day - during a travel agency meeting

Best this week

Best this week? We are happy about several things! The most important for us is probably that we have taken a few more steps with the travel agency. Then both events and spring sunshine have contributed with inspiration.

Your turn ... what has been the best part of your week?

One of this week's meals - chicken with oven-roasted mashed potatoes, ready-made mango sauce, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

The week ahead

The week ahead? Already today, we're off on a little adventure, down south in Sweden. We will tell you more about this soon!

Then the fair approaches Stockholm Caravan Motorhome, 13-16 March at Stockholmsmässan in Älvsjö. We will be lecturing about picturesque towns in Germany - every day at 14:00. Great fun if we see you there! Feel free to check out the great fair guide from All About Motorhomes!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Everyday life, blogging troubles and preparations for the fair

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