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Happy Friday: Here is my life. Part 4


Ok, here we go and Peter at the controls again. At the age of 26, I left H&M and started working as an asbestos cleaner. I had been to a lot of interviews to become a salesperson but didn't make it, so instead of being stuck there I took a job as a cleaner, with much better pay.

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Happy Friday: Here is my life. Part 3


Ok, here we go and Peter at the controls again. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN was the new motto when punk entered my life. The Sex Pistols and the Clash were new and I just had to go with it. What the hell, I had holes in my ears, and a few chains hanging from my mouth didn't bother me. Torn jackets and general trash, that was me then and I just had to try it. Now my mum and dad were falling over backwards again, probably thinking "what the hell has he come up with now?". Like Emil in Lönneberga, haha.

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Happy Friday: Hot in Malta


OK, here we go and it's Peter in Malta at the controls. Full speed from 02.45 Thursday morning because our bus left 04.14 from Fridhemsplan. Good start, hmm. We were delayed and had to run to the bus in the morning with packing, and if no one else would get on the bus in Fridhemsplan we would have really missed it. Ok, now we are on track and we are going to Malta and how fun and what a first day.

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Back pain after exercise - how it happened


Ok, here we go, and Peter moves in on Monday. I went too hard for the training and I have myself to blame, but what a week. I am doing this MMA training and I will of course do it 100 per cent as usual and I always think I am 26 years old, haha.

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Happy Friday: Here is my life. Part 2


OK, here we go again with Peter at the keyboard. At the age of 14, I entered a new world. David Bowie entered and suddenly I was wearing cool clothes and patent leather flats. I copied a picture of him in black and white when I was decorating, and made about 200 copies to wallpaper a background wall in my room.

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Happy Friday: Here is my life


Ok, here we go! Peter at the controls and "Here is my life" part 1. I will tell you about my life a few times in the future on Fridays and here it starts. Peter Andersson 19600706 was born at Sabbatsberg hospital in the centre of the city and of course a Djurgardian. When I was born we lived on Karlbergsvägen in Karlberg and a summer house on Blidö, so at the age of two weeks they drove me out to the archipelago, and there I started my career because I was born in July.

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Happy Friday: the laugh of the day


Ok, let's go with Peter at the computer. The days are coming together and we forgot last Friday's "Happy Friday". I called my oldest son and said happy birthday on Friday and then it hit me that "oops", it's Friday.

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Happy Friday: FREEDOM event


Ok, here we go and Peter is in charge. As many know, we photographed a fantastic wedding last weekend. Helena and I started at eight in the morning and worked until six in the morning the next day. We photographed from two directions because we wanted to get a whole and we ended up with 450 pictures that we have edited from the wedding. We had three hours before we had to be in the church alone with the wedding couple to take photos and relax. We had a lot of fun and we also have a new service on the blog, FREEDOM event.

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Happy Friday: Being happy for the little things


Ok, now we and Peter are driving behind two steering wheels! two cars that make a mess at the same time, well then we just have to resort to Monty Python's "Always look on the bright side of life". Go online and search for the cause of the faults and this should be resolved pretty quickly.

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Happy Friday: Win a trip to Prague


Ok, here we go and Happy Friday with Peter and new antics. I have worked hard since April to get a competition on the blog and now we are in port. Compete for a weekend trip for two to Prague with 4-star hotel and it starts today on a Friday ... Happy Friday. Everyone can compete as long as you are at least 18 years old and have an email address so here we go!

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