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Facts about Estonia - 30 things you (might) not know


Here are the facts about Estonia - 30 things you (maybe) didn't know about the country. Estonia is known as the land of song and has a beautiful capital city, Tallinn. Does it end there? Nope! There's an underwater prison, the world's largest pine tree, where Sweden beat the Russians in Narva and the world's highest ceiling in a pub. Let's go!

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What to eat in Croatia? - 20 Croatian specialities


What to eat in Croatia? We list 20 Croatian specialities and share our experiences with Croatian food. You can find everything from grilled fish and lamb to truffles and local cheeses. Join us for a taste of Croatia!

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Facts about Switzerland - 30 things you (might) not have known


Facts about Switzerland and 30 things you (maybe) didn't know about the country. In Switzerland you can rent a cow and during that time you can enjoy all the cheese made from its milk. Switzerland has more banks than dentists, Switzerland is not in the EU and was not in the world wars, and the capital of Switzerland is Bern. The country that is beautiful just everywhere... Join us!

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Facts about Belgium - 30 things you (maybe) didn't know ...


Today we present facts about Belgium! Belgium is a flat country (the highest peak is 694 metres above sea level) called Botrange signal) that not everyone knows much about. Belgium has perhaps the most castles in the world per square kilometre and many cities feel like medieval worlds with spires and towers. Both the EU and NATO are located in Brussels, Belgians love waffles and chocolate, and the beer is bad... Here we go!

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Irish whiskey - & pubs and beer in Ireland


Irish whiskey is loved by many, as is the culture of pubs and beer in Ireland. We experienced Ireland as one of Europe's most beautiful islands, with its intense green colours and dramatic nature. We travelled around Ireland for three weeks and we got to experience fantastic ruined castles, castles, breathtaking nature and of course the pub life with the laughter, music, whiskey, beer and drinks. Here is some liquid from Ireland!

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Facts about France - 30 things you (might) not have known


Here are the facts about France - 30 things you (maybe) didn't know. We have travelled around France for a total of 4 months and visited many different places, especially along the beautiful coasts. France is one of our absolute favourite countries in the world, facing both the Atlantic Ocean in the west and the Mediterranean Sea in the south.

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Facts about Poland - 30 things you (might) not know


Writing facts about Poland is really fun. We have travelled a lot in Poland and discovered this and that that surprised us. For this article, we have found even more exciting facts about Poland. For example, did you know that there are 16 UNESCO World Heritage Sites to discover? Come with us to Poland!

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Facts about Germany - 30 things you (might) not have known


Facts about Germany and Germany is the second largest country in Europe with 82 million inhabitants (2019) and has been trading with Sweden since the 12th century. Germany is a popular country in Sweden and a country that many people holiday in or pass through on their holidays to southern Europe.

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Derry in Ireland - things to see and do


I (Peter) went to a Halloween party in Derry in Ireland (Northern Ireland), which is the coolest thing you can experience during Halloween, and which I can really recommend. There was a lot more in the city that I wanted to tell you about. Stay tuned!

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Round trip in Tunisia - follow us from 15 March


We have never been to Tunisia and we have so many things we want to know! Do you have questions about Tunisia? Write them down in the blog and we'll find out about them while travelling, and print them on the blog. Here is our programme in text and pictures about what we will do in Tunisia!

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