I was listening to a programme on Swedish Radio about electrical safety in mobile homes. There was an electrician who was upset about how electricity and water are mixed in motorhomes, and who reported this to the Swedish Electrical Safety Authority. He argued that the manufacturers are so keen to keep prices down (only curtains and visible things are allowed to cost) that important things such as electrical safety are being neglected.
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Are you aware that there are now new weight rules for motorhomes under a new EU regulation? The new regulation includes a number of new concepts. Here are explanations of the terms, based on an article on CampingSverige.se.
Read moreWhen we drove out of the Lysingsbadet campsite in Västervik, we found at last a car wash that can accommodate our motorhome. Most car washes are only 2.8 or 3.0 metres high and our motorhome is 3.1 metres high. We never know where to wash it. So we were happy when we saw Stanley's Powerwash in Västervik.
Read moreToday, when we were sitting outside the motorhome here at the campsite in Borgholm, a man came up and showed us mudguards to put behind the front tyres of the motorhome. The idea, of course, is to prevent dirt from splashing up on the car from the tyres.
Read moreIt's not often you get a flat tyre on a car, but when it happens, it's no fun. When we see a car standing still on a major road with a warning triangle behind it and a person staggering back and forth, we always think "oh no, poor thing".
Read moreIf you have your own motorhome, you know exactly what a motorhome kitchen looks like and how everything works. This post is more for those who have barely been inside a motorhome. Sometimes we get questions about how it really works. Of course, it can look a little different in different motorhomes, but often it looks similar to ours. So here's a description of our motorhome kitchen. What is missing? Well, nothing really ...
Read moreThis year, eleven Swedish campsites have been awarded five stars in the official SCR classification, according to a press release. "Campsites with five stars have everything you can imagine in terms of size, service and offerings and are modern tourist facilities," says Lars Isacson, CEO of SCR.
Read moreFor the 12th year in a row, Motormännen has scored and listed the country's rest areas. "The rest area assessment is an important part of Motormännen's road safety work. Good rest areas encourage necessary breaks for rest and recovery. Fatigue at the wheel is a common cause of accidents, comparable to accidents related to alcohol", says Erik Kjellin of Motormännen in a press release.
Read moreThe UK's Caravan Times website offers the Airstream glamping quiz. If at least five of the following points apply to you, you are a "glamper" (glamorous camper) rather than a camper, according to the quiz. I have a feeling that most of us with motorhomes will fall under the epithet 'glampers' then... right?
Read moreSwedish camping has more than 14 million guest nights per year, and most campers stay in caravans or cabins. But there are also different types of accommodation, according to Svensk Camping.
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