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Energy sources in the motorhome


Today's post is about energy sources in a motorhome. In a motorhome, you think more about where the energy comes from and how much you use than you do at home in an apartment. When we free camp, we can easily manage the essentials (heating, fridge, cooking) with LPG.

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Keeping your campervan tidy


A motorhome should not only look good (haha) but also be practical. You live in a small space and have to carry a lot of stuff with you, which should preferably remain stationary while driving... Here are some of our solutions.

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Lighting in the motorhome


We continue the story of what we've done to the motorhome since we bought it in autumn 2008... We couldn't settle for lights on the outside of the car, but wanted some lighting inside as well. LED lights are really good in a motorhome because they use so little power.

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Furnishings in the motorhome


We weren't too keen on the original blue interior of the motorhome, so after having the motorhome for a while we decided to change it. After much deliberation back and forth, we decided on brown. Brown may sound boring, but it's a warm and calm colour, which we thought went well with the lighter wood.

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The new design of the motorhome - three-colour foiling


Want to see the new campervan design? When we bought the motorhome in 2008, we thought it was boring that it was white, so Peter sat down in the kitchen and started sketching. After about 100 sketches, he decided what he wanted the car to look like. Now you can see the camper's new design, which takes shape with the help of foiling.

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When we bought the motorhome


It's been 2.5 years since we bought our Freedom motorhome. Since then, we have modified it in every possible way: exterior design, interior design, lighting, equipment. We thought we'd tell you a bit about what we've done and how. But let's start from the beginning ...

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New motorhome campsite in Stockholm


Now it seems to be ready: the motorhome campsite in Tantolunden. This means that there are two central motorhome campsites in Stockholm. Långholmen's motorhome campsite (Kungsholmen) is open 27/5 - 4/9 2011 and Tantolunden's motorhome campsite (Söder) is open all year round.

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A motorhome under the tree


The smallest members of the family may also want a motorhome - and what could be better than a motorhome under the tree? Luckily, the motorhomes in the photos are not in the half-million dollar range, but you can get them a bit cheaper. There are different models to choose from too.

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10 tips for the winter camper


According to a press release from SCR today, winter camping is hotter than ever and the most popular campsites are almost fully booked. Along with the press release, SCR also offers 10 tips for the inexperienced winter camper.

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Inspection and pressure test of LPG


Today we have inspected the motorhome. There were some faults that we need to fix: the steering linkage is worn out and the databox is misaligned. The latter error causes the engine light to come on from time to time, which we have had problems with for quite some time.

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