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Mobile homes and water connections


What about motorhomes and water connections! Now there are real couplings with stainless steel support sleeves instead of plastic. They were not easy to get hold of, as it is a rather special dimension. Fortunately, we have the car at P-bil Stockholm, which in addition to the workshop on motorhomes, caravans and passenger cars builds cranes and hydraulics on trucks. The guy at P-bil is knowledgeable and knew where to look. Apparently, these plastic quick couplings are supposed to last, but after two water leaks in six months, you start to wonder.

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Expensive to fix the water leak ...


As you may know by now, we have had quite a few problems with water leaks in the motorhome. The latest problem is really serious because the leak is in a place where you can't get to it, and it will be quite expensive to fix.

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Rules for free camping


We've been wondering for quite some time what the rules are for free camping in Sweden. That is, where can you spend the night in your motorhome and how long can you stay? Most people we've talked to have given different answers, but now it seems we've found what applies ...

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More about the water leak in the campervan


Now we have major problems with water leakage in the motorhome! The camper was already leaking last autumn, but after a tightness check we thought the problem was fixed. In the spring we noticed that it was still dripping under the car.

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Water leakage in the motorhome


We have had problems with the water since we got the car. I can't even remember all the trouble! The water has leaked under the car in the car park and worse - on the floor under the kitchen cabinets. Cold water has come out of the hot water tap and vice versa - or there has been no water at all. Now we have problems with water leaks again.

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No parking spaces in Sweden


Read this, all municipalities! There is a shortage of pitches and we need more! The number of camper vans has increased in recent years. In the first half of 2008, sales increased by more than 30 per cent. And despite the current recession, it is clear that there are many motorhomes on the road! Last autumn, during the low season, it was relatively easy to find a pitch. Now, with summer approaching, you have to be quick to get a pitch!

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New upholstery in the motorhome


Finally new upholstery in the motorhome! We have long been dissatisfied with the previous blue upholstery, and a while ago we handed in the cushions and driver's seats for reupholstery. Just before the weekend it was ready and now we have mounted and got new upholstery in the motorhome.

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Motorhome to China - is it possible?


Can you take a motorhome to China? I have been to China twice. The first time I flew there. The second time, Peter and I took the train. You can probably guess how we would like to go there now... Traditionally, motorhomes are used in Europe, the USA, Australia and New Zealand. But why do you have to do what you've always done? Is it possible to take a motorhome to China?

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New curtains and drapes in the motorhome


Now that we've decided to change the upholstery in the motorhome from blue to brown, we have to change the curtains and drapes too... This weekend we've been sewing and fixing!

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Design in the motorhome - stripes and texts in silver


Now we have some new design in the car, also on the inside! We've covered all the cupboard doors with silver double stripes and added the texts "Freedom" and "Edition 660".

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