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Should travel bloggers inspire - or also nuance?


Travel bloggers love travelling, and then sharing their wonderful travel experiences. But not everything on a trip is pink and dreamy. Sometimes the flights are delayed, the hotel rooms are shabby and the food is a bit boring, but still way too expensive. What do you do then? Saw ... or not write at all?

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June photo challenge - theme: clouds


It was time for the photo challenge again! Previous themes have been vehicles, water and patterns. This month's theme is ... clouds! Welcome to a cloudy and maybe a little foggy post.

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May photo challenge - theme: patterns


It was time for the photo challenge again! In March the theme was vehicles and in April the theme was water. This month's theme is ... patterns! A really exciting and fun, but also challenging theme.

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April photo challenge - water theme


It's time for us to join a photo challenge again. In March the theme was "transport" and this month the theme is "water". The photo challenge is a way to challenge ourselves - but if anyone wants to join in, that's great!

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New labelling for collaborations and advertisements


From now on, there will be new labelling for collaborations and ads here on our blog. The reason is that there has recently been a new guide with guidelines from the Swedish Consumer Agency, which we of course plan to follow.

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Why so much hate on the internet?


Why so much hate on the internet? We have asked ourselves this question many times recently. Why do people have to add mockery and abuse to their comments, and why do they express themselves differently behind the computer than in real life? How do you think?

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Our blogging habits - five quick questions


What are our blogging habits? Our blogging friend BP, with the blog Art or Weird, asked us and other bloggers to answer the following questions five quick questions about our blogging habits. Interesting to reflect on!

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Travel reports - why do we write the way we do?


We write a lot of travel reports and have perhaps changed our writing a bit over the years. We wanted to tell you why we write the way we do and share some thoughts about it. Of course, we'd love to hear your reflections!

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Preparing lectures - tips and thoughts


We are in a period where we are lecturing a lot, so in the evenings we are preparing lectures. Over the next few days, we will give three different lectures together, and I (Helena) will also give another one at work. Here are some tips and thoughts on preparing lectures.

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Popular on FREEDOMtravel - we show statistics


What is most popular to read on FREEDOMtravel? Sometimes it's interesting to look at statistics. Last week we found out which photos are most liked on our Instagram account, and now we can show you what's most popular on the blog.

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