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Camping price, LPG control - and this worries on the move


It's a new week again, and what does that mean? Well, travel news on FREEDOMtravel of course! This week it's all about award-winning campsites, new LPG control requirements in Germany and what we're worried about when travelling...

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Sleepcation, free entrance - and diary writers wanted


Fancy sleeping in on your holiday? Do you want to go to free museums? Or maybe you want to write a diary continuously? Then don't miss this week's travel news! As usual on Mondays - short extracts from press releases on travel, tourism and camping. Stay tuned!

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AI images, adventure tourism and space travel


Welcome to Monday's travel news here on FREEDOMtravel! This week it's all about everything from AI imagery and adventure tourism to... space travel! Anyone keen to book a group trip on board a spacecraft?

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Bad reviews, trendy destination and the most bang for your buck


It's Monday again! That means travel news here on FREEDOMtravel, with short extracts from this week's press releases. This week it's all about everything from buns to Thailand. By the way, have you eaten any buns yet?

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Lighthouse cruise, festival train and sports capital


Today is Monday and we welcome a new week, along with this week's travel news. This week we can tell you about a lighthouse cruise, a festival train and a sports capital. Stay tuned!

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Streaming tourism, sports holidays and Europe's best cycling route


Monday, a new week and - of course - travel news here at FREEDOMtravel. Every week, we receive a large number of press releases in our inbox and we do our best to sift and shorten them - so that you get the week's travel news in an easily digestible summary: FREEDOMtravel NEWS.

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Cycling holidays, cruising habits and Egyptian mummies


The weeks just fly by, don't they? We're well into February now and it's Monday again. Here at FREEDOMtravel, we're running travel news as usual - with the latest news in travel, camping and tourism.

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The world's most welcoming holiday destination - and hotel with dog spa


It's Monday again! The weeks just seem to rush by... What happens on Mondays? Well, it's travel news here at FREEDOMtravel. Stay tuned!

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Price rain over caravans and star rain over Austria


Well, it's Monday again! It feels like the weeks are whirling by at a furious pace. Since it's Monday, we are of course running travel news here at FREEDOMtravel, that is, short excerpts from the week's press releases on travel, camping and tourism.

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Supercamping, Stockholm at the top and how travelling will be in 2030


It's Monday again! As usual, that means travel news here at FREEDOMtravel, and as usual we've picked out the most interesting in this week's crop of travel, camping and tourism press releases.

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