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Sweden on top list and zoo closes


Sweden is on a global top list and a Swedish zoo closes. These are some of the travel news this week. Don't forget to check back here on Mondays for the latest travel, camping and tourism news. Every Monday morning, we publish a selection of short travel stories from the week.

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Rear seat cinema and change car colour at the touch of a button


It was Monday again and time for travel news here at FREEDOMtravel. This week's news is about mobile accommodation, hotels, Olympic activities, summer jobs on the Göta Canal, the O-ring orienteering competition and future technology in cars. Stay tuned!

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Viking Glory on its way, new direct flight and new exhibitions


Then it was time for the first travel news of the year here at FREEDOMtravel. As usual, you can expect news here every Monday. The travel news is based on press releases from the week, with a focus on travel and tourism, both abroad and here in Sweden. The ambition is to mix news about flights, trains, cruises, camping, destinations and events - and to keep you constantly updated!

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Car driving, best architecture and vaccine passport rules


It was time for the very last edition of this year's travel news here at FREEDOMtravel. This week's news includes driving, architecture and vaccine passports. Stay tuned!

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Charters, sustainable theme park and asteroid hunting


It was time for the last travel news before Christmas. We can tell you about a charter investment in Jönköping, an amusement park that aims to become a world leader in sustainability and about Christmas holiday activities and more. Stay tuned!

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Ended lockdown, stricter rules and rowing across the Atlantic Ocean


First of all, we want to wish all our readers and friends a really nice Lucia! But even if it is Lucia, it is also Monday, so we run travel news here as usual on Mondays. Stay tuned!

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Most expensive cities - and toilet brush market Sweden


We wish you a great new week! This week's travel news includes a list of the world's most expensive cities. We can also tell you about Visit Sweden's new marketing campaign for Sweden - where a toilet brush takes centre stage!

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Virus variants, tourism prize, camping cinema and Christmas ticket


The new virus variant is a cause for concern and if you are planning to travel in these times, it is important to be well informed about local travel recommendations and restrictions. However, this week's news is not only about this but also about new airlines, tourism prices, camping cinema and Christmas tickets.

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National Geographic list, gin boom and landscape pizzas


The weeks fly by, don't they? It's Monday again and time for travel news here at FREEDOMtravel. Today, we have an exciting National Geographic list, and a gastronomic focus: Christmas food, gin and pizzas.

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Adventurousness, more Ryanair routes and 2022 travel destinations


We are currently on a motorhome adventure in the Småland Glasriket, and we will tell you about this as soon as we can. But first, travel news (and a little more about lovely Tunisia). Today you can see which countries and cities the Swedes think are the travel destinations of 2022. Do you agree, or do you believe in other destinations?

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