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Autumn holiday travel by train - and where Swedes are travelling this Christmas


It's time for this week's travel news! As usual, we have botanised in the pile of press releases and selected some we find interesting. Where are Swedes travelling this Christmas? And what are they prepared to pay extra for? This week's news is all about that and more.

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Trendy autumn destinations and dreams of Swedish nature


What are the trendiest autumn destinations? It probably depends on who you ask, but here are two lists of trendy autumn destinations in Europe. And what do foreign tourists dream of when travelling in Sweden? We get an answer to that too. As always, we love to hear your reflections on this week's news!

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Hot weekend destinations, cruise trends and horror houses


Every Monday we present travel news here at FREEDOMtravel (if we're not travelling). We offer a small selection of the week's press releases on travel, adventure and camping. Of course, we'd love to hear your thoughts!

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New winter favourites, training trips and the 'black list'?


It's Monday and time for travel news again! This week it's all about new winter destinations, fitness trips, and travel companies that have ended up on the not-so-prestigious 'black list'. Any thoughts on this week's news?

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Wedding destinations, Greenland and a surprising list.


Today we can report on Sweden's hottest wedding destinations and why Greenland has been given a boost. We can also tell you about a list with surprising results, to say the least. The list of the world's best backpacking destinations is certainly not what we expected.

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Dengue fever, Indian tourists and chartered long-distance trains


Mondays mean travel news here at FREEDOMtravel. Every Monday we highlight 5-6 travel news stories that we have chosen from the week's crop of press releases. Is there any particular kind of news that you like more or less than others? Feel free to tell us!

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Hot destinations, free visas and how we choose hotels


In this week's travel news, we report on hot destinations in August and September, and how Swedes prioritise when choosing hotels. We also report that Sri Lanka (where we had a great holiday last winter) is now offering free visas, and hope that tourists will want to come back.

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Popular weekend city, ruined destinations and odd overnight stays


It's time for travel news again here at FREEDOMtravel. We run short news from the travel and camping industry (almost) every Monday - that is, when we are not travelling ourselves. Now we want to hear your thoughts on this week's news!

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Floating village, rail passes in England and driving bans in France


This week, we can tell you about 'Aqua Village' launching in Västervik, a rail pass for the north of England, and high ozone levels in France - leading to a temporary ban on driving in environmental zones for some vehicles. What are your thoughts on this week's travel news?

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Fear of flying, time-free zone and Europe's most beautiful beach


As usual, Monday means travel news here at FREEDOMtravel - at least when we're not travelling ourselves. This week we can reveal how afraid of flying Swedes are, which region has applied to become a time-free zone and which beach has been named the most beautiful in Europe. What do you think of this week's news?

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