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Tourism in Saudi Arabia, Chinese travellers and World Cup in Russia


Is it time for tourism in Saudi Arabia perhaps? Are the Chinese taking over the market as travellers? And what does it cost to watch the World Cup in Russia? This week we have exotic travel news here at FREEDOMtravel. In addition, we can tell you that many Swedes like to escape the country over Christmas and that the supply of flights to the United States is increasing.

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Hot weekend cities, cake cities and travel destinations for 2018


Today we can tell you about hot weekend cities for spring 2018 and exciting destinations for the coming year. We can also tell you about Europe's best cake(!) cities. And in the same week, we have two news about electric bikes. What do you think of this week's travel news?

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New electric lorry, dockless bike sharing and cheap airline tickets!


It's time for travel news! This week we tell you about a new electric truck from Tesla, stationless bike sharing and the best ways to find cheap airline tickets. Among other things. You might conclude that technology is advancing and the sharing economy is here to stay, or what do you think when you read this week's travel news?

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Christmas meals, holidays and gifts


This week's FREEDOMtravel news is all about Christmas dinner, Christmas travel and Christmas presents. Among other things. As we went through this week's crop of travel news, there was no doubt that we are slowly but surely moving towards Christmas. What about you, have you started planning for any Christmas dinners, trips and gifts? Or do you think it's too early to think about Christmas in the middle of November?

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Children design trains and Stockholm is 2nd on the list


It's Monday and travel news again. This week we can tell you that children are designing trains for SJ and that Stockholm is 2nd on a list of welcoming cities in the world. We can also tell you that the Travel News Market trade fair is coming up very soon, which we are of course planning to attend.

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Castle hotels at Legoland, entrepreneurs in camping and WiFi on trains


This week, we can tell you about an upcoming castle hotel at Legoland, that more entrepreneurs are staying at campsites and that SJ will introduce WiFi in many train carriages that currently lack WiFi. There will also be lists of both the world's hottest cities and the world's most elegant (!) cities.

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Ships with movable glass verandas - and terrorist attacks affect less


This week we can tell you about Celebrity Cruise's new ship with a moving glass veranda, and how terrorist attacks no longer affect our travelling habits so much. We also report on new SAS destinations and reveal which celebrities Swedes would most like to spend their holidays with.

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Autumn's rising star and the world's largest cruise ship


We have several exciting things left to tell you about after weekend caravan tripBut first, travel news. Today we can tell you about this autumn's hot new destinations to warmer latitudes and about the ship that will soon take over the title of the world's largest cruise ship. We also tell you about a new direct flight from Norrland to Spain.

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City on March, rain-driven adverts and real-time translation


This week we have lots of interesting and technologically exciting travel news to share. Dubai has opened a new astronomical science centre, part of a vision to build a city on Mars. Apollo has launched a mobile ad campaign that only appears when it rains. And, as if that wasn't enough, Google has developed a pair of wireless headphones that translate between 40 different languages in real time as you speak.

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Hottest weekend trips and best theme parks


This weekend has been really intense and full of unexpected events. We have a lot to blog about I can say! But before that: FREEDOMtravel News. From this week's crop of press releases, we can tell you about this autumn's hottest weekend getaways and the best theme parks in Europe.

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