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New flooring - parquet flooring in the bedroom

Now we (read Peter) have laid new flooring in the big room on the lower deck, which means that we have parquet flooring in the summer room. At least it's almost done - just a small corner left as it turned out that we need one more package. Peter has laid many many floors in his life, but he says this was by far the worst.

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New in the bathroom

After the weekend's construction in the houseboat, you might want to see some results? We have, among other things, modernised the bathroom. The old sink was so narrow that it was difficult to reach to wash. We have now installed new bathroom furniture with a new sink and a new mixer tap. We also bought a new toilet seat.

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The houseboat from different angles

I realise that I often take photos from the houseboat, and then the houseboat itself is not included in the picture. Today we went around the docks with the camera and took some pictures of the houseboat from different angles. If you would have missed it, you can see what it looks like! The boat is from the 1930s and has a little unknown history. Some things appear to be original, while others have been remodelled countless times.

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Beautiful evenings in the Pampas marina

Despite small details like the shower running and the hot water coming in bursts, we feel ridiculously spoilt. Can you have a view like this every day? We see the sun in the morning as it creeps up and colours the sky red behind the Aqva villas.

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Living close to nature ... and the city

One of the things I really like about houseboating is being so close to nature. You can hear the water lapping and when I cook breakfast I see ducks, herons (yes, yesterday there were two) and perch. This morning some birds had a race on the roof, and I heard them chasing each other back and forth.

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Villa Voyager - long narrow accommodation on water

In addition to Aquavillas and traditional houseboats, there are three "Villa Voyager" here in Pampas Marina. These are oblong little floating houses for permanent living, with large doors at the ends and small windows along the sides.

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Chaos in the houseboat

Peter is working extra this weekend, from 7am to 3pm on both Saturday and Sunday. But that doesn't stop him from working on the boat when he gets home! "We are rebuilding the large room on the lower deck, where we have a bedroom, exercise room and wardrobe. The idea is to make it both attractive (with a bit of a ship's feel) and more functional.

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Dehumidifiers in the houseboat

It has been quite cold in the houseboat when we wake up in the mornings. A bit worrying as I have heard that there will be colder months after August ...

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Aquavillas in Pampas marina

Here in Pampas Marina in Solna there are about 20 Aquavillas and 15 houseboats - all for permanent year-round living. I have mentioned the Aquavillas before and received some questions about them, so I thought I would tell you a little more ...

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Wardrobe construction in progress

What do we do on a sunny Saturday? Well, we are building a wardrobe. As you may remember, we have a "crawl-in closet" in the houseboat, that is, a large wardrobe where you can't stand straight. It's a bit hard on the back to stand crooked all the time when choosing clothes and getting dressed.

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