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Midsummer traditions - are they kept alive and are they changing?

Midsummer traditions are important, probably for most Swedes. The traditions evoke memories from childhood, provide links to history and make us Swedes feel that we have something in common. But will they be kept alive, and are they changing?

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Swedish food - is it good or boring?

When we travel to other countries, food is one of the biggest and most important experiences. We love to try Cypriot food, Sri Lankan food, Uzbek food... whatever it is! Then tourists come here to Sweden, and they even have a hard time finding restaurants that serve Swedish food...

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AI is storming in - should you be afraid or embrace the new?

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is making inroads on all fronts. There is no doubt that AI is being used more and more, and getting better and better. The question is: Should we be afraid or embrace the new?

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Camping is what "others" do

Camping is what 'others' do. That's how it seemed a bit when we previously asked a question about the word "camper". The interesting thing is that everyone (both those who want to live comfortably and those who want to live primitively) thinks that camping is for others... Does that mean that no one is camping?

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"We don't camp, we park" ... but what's the difference?

We're continuing last Wednesday's discussion on free camping with caravans. Because there are a bunch of issues to dig into... This Wednesday, we're thinking about "camping" versus "parking".

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More and more prohibition signs - is it even possible to free-ride?

"We have the right of public access in Sweden," people say cheerfully, implying that this means that you can free camp with your motorhome, just about anywhere. But it's not that simple. The off-road driving law actually puts a stop to most of it, and what's left are various kinds of car parks ... where prohibition signs usually appear these days.

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Camper or motorhome driver - is it important what you call yourself?

Motorhomers and campers - is it approximately the same thing, or is there a world of difference? First of all, it is clear that the term 'camper' is broader, as it also includes caravans and tents. But maybe it's not just about that...?

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Following social media trends - or your passion?

Should you follow social media trends? Or your creativity and passion? Can the trends make it even more fun ... or can it instead become performance-fuelled and annoying? How do you actually maintain a good relationship with social media ...?

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Daring to travel outside the box - great or scary?

You cannot travel everywhere in the world. In some places, unfortunately, there is war or other unrest. But at the same time, we wonder if many of us do "box" a bit unnecessarily small sometimes. The world is a big place and most people are incredibly nice - even those who live in places we don't often hear about.

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Paywall or adverts - which is better/worse?

Many sites, such as digital magazines, need to earn an income for the content they produce. Paywall or adverts - which is better/worse?

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