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Is it ok to ask others to shop for you when they are travelling?

We need to ask. Is it ok to ask others to shop for you when they are travelling? And if so, is it always ok or does it depend on where, what, when or who is asking?

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"Everyone" wants to extend the season ... and yet so difficult?

Many hospitality entrepreneurs dream of extending the short summer season. And many Swedish travellers want to travel in the low season. So it seems a bit ironic that it should be so difficult to extend the season...?

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Go Swedish holidays! (But Swedish destinations focus on foreign tourists...!?)

Say hello to Swedish holidays! Sweden has a lot to offer, it is good to support Swedish entrepreneurs and it is (often) more sustainable to holiday in your own country. So, why do many Swedish destinations focus their marketing almost exclusively on tourism from other countries?

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The body doesn't need all these skincare products - why do we buy?

The debate about hood care products bought by children has been in the news lately. But what about us adults? The body doesn't need all these skincare products. So, why do we buy?

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Tourist, traveller, holidaymaker or visitor?

On the hiking trail up to Lion's Head in Cape Town, we met a hiker from Hawaii who introduced himself as "a traveller, not a tourist". That encounter inspired this post. Tourist, traveller, holidaymaker or visitor?

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The art of haggling (Whoever haggles the most wins?)

In many countries it is customary to haggle when shopping, especially in markets and other simple shopping centres. Are you one of those who take up haggling as a sport, haggle hard and do everything to win the battle? Or are you a bit Swedishly cautious, haggling too little and crying afterwards? Is there perhaps also a risk of haggling? for hard sometimes?

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Tipping while travelling - why is it so tricky?

Should you tip when travelling? And if so, how much, to which professional groups and who decides what the rules are? This is not a tipping guide, but we thought we'd spend this Wednesday reflecting on the subject of tipping while travelling.

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Can poverty and misery be photographed well?

Can poverty and misery be photographed well? This is a question we sometimes ask ourselves. After all, photographing people and then publishing the photos can be a challenge in itself. If you want to separate poverty and misery, a few more questions arise.

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Gated community - freedom or prison for the rich?

Is a gated community - a collection of homes inside locked gates - a freedom or a prison for the wealthy residents? The idea, of course, is that security and protection should provide a sense of safety and freedom. But could it also be the other way round, that the gates and barbed wire constitute a prison?

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Why are we so bad at appreciating what is good in Sweden?

No, all is not well in Sweden. Crime is rising, healthcare queues are long and the winter is eternally long. But still, there is a lot that is quite good, if we look at it all from a slightly larger perspective. Aren't we a little bad at appreciating that?

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