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Snow chaos in Stockholm traffic

Today there has been snow chaos in Stockholm traffic, and both cars and rail traffic have had major problems due to the snow storm. SMHI has issued a class 2 warning in the county, most flights have been cancelled and SL has on its website urged customers to avoid travelling by commuter train.

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Halloween party with a schlager theme

Yesterday there was a Halloween party with the theme "schlager horror" at a friend's house. We parked the motorhome right outside and changed and slept there. So perfect to be able to take the motorhome with you when going to a party!

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Old meets new - KI auditorium and Tiondeladan

Here is a picture of the campus of Karolinska Institutet in Solna today, with buildings from completely different eras. In the background you can see the new auditorium. Construction began in 2010 and is expected to be completed in 2013.

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Researcher hunt at Karolinska Institutet

I don't usually write much about my job on this blog, but right now I'm involved in a fun project that I have to tell you about! Forskarjakten is a collaboration between Kamratposten and Karolinska Institutet.

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The wedding party - Robin & Alexandra 2012

After the wedding ceremony and toast, the wedding party for Robin and Alexandra continued. We would like to thank Alexandra's mum Anette and her family for a beautifully organised party in their home. Of course, we would also, again, like to wish Robin and Alexandra all happiness and prosperity together in life!

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Marriage in Lidingö church

Today in the afternoon there was a wedding in Lidingö church, between Robin and Alexandra. Teary-eyed we sat in the church with our cameras at the ready ... After the ceremony we went home to Alexandra's mum where we were offered champagne and snacks. Soon we will have a barbecue and continue the celebration ...

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Hen and stag parties

Next weekend it's time: Robin and Alexandra are getting married! Yesterday morning they were both picked up for their hen and stag parties respectively. (Both knew that the other would be picked up, but neither of them knew what to expect themselves.) The hen party was a bit nicer than the stag party...

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Summerburst 2012 in Stockholm

Summerburst 2012 has been awesome! We took the camper van and parked in a central car park, with only a short walk to the festival. Two days of festival, with lots of great music and great atmosphere!

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Sweden's national day

Today is Sweden's national day. This is a fairly new holiday in Sweden: Swedish Flag Day became a national day in 1983 and only in 2005 did it become a public holiday. You are free, but there are not yet many traditions ...

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Half-time - halfway to a doctorate

Now it's half time! Today I have completed my mid-term seminar. I am a doctoral student at Karolinska Institutet and half-time, for those of you who are not familiar with the academic world, is a seminar that takes place when you have reached halfway to a doctorate. Being able to do this feels like a big step along the way!

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