What to do in Småland - what to see and experience? We've been to Småland many times and we're writing it all down to tell you what there is to do in fantastic Småland. Here are lots of tips!
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Things to do in Småland
There is so much for everyone of all ages in Småland. Småland has a beautiful archipelago for maritime activities and the deep forests that Astrid Lindgren found for her stories. Småland is famous for the art belt in Sweden and here you will also find all the glassblowers in their huts. Four national parks, Europe's longest zipline and the world's only James Bond museum. These are just some of the things you can do in Småland.

Småland is a landscape in the south of Sweden, bordering on the north with Östergötland, in the south to Skåne and Blekinge, in the west to Halland and Västergötland. From Småland you go on to Öland via Kalmar.

1. Things to do in Småland: Enjoy charming Kalmar
Here you can enjoy a seaside holiday feeling and stroll through charming historic neighbourhoods. Don't miss the leafy English-influenced city park from 1880, the Old Town, Krusenstiernas gård, Storholmen, the three city gates around Kvarnholmen and the Kattrumpan baths in the centre of town. Try Sweden's third longest bench at the castle, which is 222 metres long, and then take a dip in the Kalmarsundsbadet pool.

2. Cosy up in the match city of Jönköping
Jönköping is an interesting and beautiful city on the banks of Lake Vättern. Here you will find the very beautiful Sofia Church, the lovely Stadsparksvallen for the whole family and the idyllic outdoor village. Cycle along Lake Munksjön, the matchstick museum, Elmia, or the bat house museum.

3. Things to do in Småland: Explore beautiful Växjö
Växjö is a pleasant city that offers many exciting historical sites as well as glass art and beautiful nature. Here you will find the emigrants' house, Växjö Cathedral where a rune stone was found in a wall that is from Tyke Viking from the 11th century, Linnèträdgården, beautiful Granhult's church, Teleborg's water tower, Stroll in the cosy centre and have an ice cream or a good cup of coffee.

4. See the cool Kyrkö Mosse car graveyard
The author of the car cemetery is Åke Danielsson, or Åke on the marsh as he was called, who was born in Tröjemåla in 1914. After the Second World War, cars became increasingly common in everyone's garage, and when the car had run its course, it was sometimes abandoned on some deserted forest road.
Åke quickly saw an opportunity and started collecting these old abandoned cars. He dismantled and sold spare parts, and what was left was ... the often wheel-less bodies.

5. Walk in the footsteps of Vilhelm Moberg at the emigrant village in Småland.
Utvandrarbygden in Småland is the area where many Swedes left to emigrate to the United States from the mid-19th century until the 1920s. It's also where author Vilhelm Moberg grew up and where you can find the places that inspired the novel, epic and film The Emigrants.

6. Things to do in Småland: Tour the unique Glasriket and see glass art
Learn and experience all the glassworks where they blow all the glass in Glasriket in Småland. There are over a dozen glassworks and glassworks in Glasriket.
- Persson & Persson
- Målerås glassworks
- Orranäs glassworks
- Pukeberg Glassworks
- Mickejohan's art glass
- Pukeberg glasshouse
- Bergdalshyttan
- The glass factory in Boda

7. Experience the glorious Huseby Bruk in Småland.
Huseby Bruk functioned for a long time as an ironworks and was also the site of the 'Huseby affair'. Today it is Kronoberg County's most visited tourist destination, with around 150,000 visitors per year. Huseby Bruk is located in Småland, about 22 kilometres south of Växjö.

8. Have fun at Kosta Christmas Market
Kosta Christmas Market is part of the Christmas celebrations in Kosta, in the Kingdom of Glass. Here you can experience Christmas shopping, Christmas lights galore and a lot of other Christmas activities, such as singing, glass blowing, hyttsill and Christmas table.

9. Things to do in Småland: Enjoy idyllic Gränna
What can you do in Gränna? Many would probably answer "eat candy canes" and that is true, but there is also more to experience. For example, you can learn all about the crazy and amazing Andrée's polar expedition, hike in beautiful nature or take the boat to Visingsö. Strolling around Gränna is a bit like travelling 100 years back in time.

10. Discover the wonderful island of Visingsö
Visingsö, the largest island in Lake Vättern, was, according to legend, created by the giant Vist when he threw a rope into the lake for his wife, who had been at a party in Västergötland and was about to return to Småland. This is 100 % Swedish countryside and very beautiful with the castle ruins of Näs and Visingsborg, Brahe Church, Ryssgravar and ancient graves with a nostalgia museum and temple courtyard.

11. Be fascinated by Kronoberg Castle ruins
Kronoberg Castle Ruin is a well-preserved historical ruin that tells interesting stories about Gustav Vasa and the Dacke feud. Join us on an exciting journey to the 16th century! Kronoberg Castle Ruin is located on an islet in Lake Helga, in the municipality of Växjö, in Småland.

12. Check out the James Bond museum in Nybro.
The James Bond Museum in Småland is the only James Bond museum in the world. The man behind this impressive collection of film gadgets is today, along with his other names, called James Bond. There are original aeroplanes, gliders, boats, many of the cars, clothes, motorcycles and everything you can imagine from all the films.

13. Things to do in Småland: Visit the historic Husqvarna Museum
The Husqvarna Museum in Huskvarna tells the story of a company that started manufacturing rifles in the 17th century and is now a world leader in forestry and gardening products. Mopeds and motorcross in abundance!!!

14. mountain biking in Isaberg
This is southern Sweden's largest bike park with 25 different trails. You also have training courses such as pump track, stone chests, dosed curves, jumps and step-up. The ultimate MTB facility.
If you want more adventure, challenge yourself with disc golf on a ski slope with a lift, a 1 km toboggan run with 67 challenges (19 ziplines) on 8 courses, adventure golf, outdoor gym, military-style obstacle course, fishing, sauna raft, swimming, canoeing, drinking, boating, hiking, trail running, geocaching, orienteering, ball sports arena, adventure course, children's obstacle course and skiing in winter.

15. Visit the wooden town of Eksjö and the old town.
Go on a guided tour of the Aschanska farm where everything is as it used to be, the old town, Eksjö museum to learn about Småland history, Skullaryd moose park, the nature reserve Skurugata & Skuruhatt. Take a selfie with the "sitting girl" statue.
When you're done in town, rent a bike and discover the film locations where Astrid Lindgren's films were shot. Rent a bike with a food package.

16. Kayaking among beautiful skerries around Oknö in Mönsterås, Sweden.
Experience the surroundings from the water as islands and skerries, take a packed lunch and swim and paddle along the coastline, or why not go skinny dipping as there is a naturist pool within kayaking distance. You can find your kayak or canoe at MLT Powersports.

17. Learn about John Bauer's magical life in Småland.
John Bauer was a Swedish artist, painter and illustrator. He is known for his magical paintings where his wife Esther was often the model. He loved canal trips with the water lily between Bunn- Ören and Kvarnsjöarna which you can experience today with the boat M/S Bauer which takes 2 hours, 45 minutes.
You can also walk the 50 km long Bauer Trail between Gränna and Huskvarna, experience the Bauer Forest or find out more at Jönköping County Museum.

18. Live the wild west life in High Chaparral
Unleash the wild west in you and head to High Chaparral in Småland. Action-packed shows, bison, train robberies, wheeled steamers, gold panning. Lucky Luke pulling faster than his own shadow, the Dalton Brothers or Zorro in a fencing mood. This is a fun adventure for the whole family.

19. Experience contemporary art at Vandalorum museum in värnamo
Art is very interesting because there is something for everyone. Vandalorum is an art and design centre in Värnamo with 10-15 unique exhibitions per year. It presents prominent contemporary designers and artists, both Swedish and international.

20. Take a trip to the fairytale museum in Ljungby
This is about storytelling and how stories are passed on from mouth to mouth. In the past, when someone had been and met others, they would tell stories in the village about what was happening outside. Take part in the fairy tale museum and in telling and listening.

21 mosquitoes in Gamleby trollskog outside västervik
Here you will find both a genuine troll forest with strange trees and a troll park or a magical sculpture park unlike any other. On Garpedansberget, you'll find Garpe's friends, which consist of figures of elves, nymphs, trolls, lindor snakes, dragons, goblins, fairies and more. They are located in the forest and have no entrance fee. Do you dare?

22. Educate yourself with a visit to the Småland Museum.
Here you will find everything about Småland and the history behind the name. In the past, there were only place names that we come across through life from the small countries such as Handbörd, Möre, Aspeland, Sevede, Ydre, Tjust, Vedbo, Vista, Tveta, Kinda, Njudung, Finnveden and Värend. During the Middle Ages, which was an uncertain time, all the "small countries" were merged into the landscape of Småland. Learning more at the museum is the perfect thing to do in Småland for the whole family.

23. Descend into some of Småland's many mines
Hörnebo slate mine where entertainment is organised several times a summer. If you want a guided tour, contact the local history association in Ramkvilla.
Kleva Gruva is a former copper and nickel mine east of Vetlanda. The mine is idyllically located in the middle of the forest with barbecue areas. After visiting the impressive mine with an exciting treasure hunt, you can try your luck at gold panning and take the gold home with you.
Grill food on an open fire and if you don't want to go home, stay in one of the cabins. You can walk in the mine with a guidebook.
Tabergsgruvan is an iron ore mine that is open in the summer with guided tours that take an hour. Wear good shoes and carry a flashlight as you walk 200 metres into the mountain.

24. Things to do in Småland: Take in the giant Öland Bridge
The mighty Öland Bridge, which was Europe's longest between 1972-1998, is Sweden's longest bridge on Swedish soil, measuring 6072 metres in length and with a free bridge width of 13 metres. The bridge runs between Kalmar in Småland and Färjestaden on Öland and almost 20,000 vehicles pass through here every day.

25. Minimise the whole family in the mini world in Ljungby.
Minivärlden Ljungby is a unique destination in Småland. On 1000 square metres you can experience fantastic miniature worlds that have different themes several times each year. Minivärlden Ljungby has a cinema that shows old train films and its own café with homemade cakes. This is for the whole family and maybe one day is not enough with all the fun to do in Småland.

26. See the idyllic mills in Röttle village on the border.
It is incredibly beautiful and Röttle village is located three kilometres south of Gränna. Röttleån and the Röttleån gorge are dramatically beautiful and in the Middle Ages were called rytlofors... the roaring rapids. In the area you will also find Jerusalem Mill and Rasmus Mill, both belonging to the Grenna Museum Foundation. The Jerusalem Mill dates back to the early Middle Ages, making it one of the oldest non-religious buildings in Sweden.

27. Learn more about the Matchstick Museum in Jönköping.
The matchstick museum in Jönköping tells the story of a time of child labour and terrible working conditions, but also of Ivar Kreuger's fascinating matchstick empire that conquered the world before it collapsed. If you visit Jönköping - don't miss the captivating Match Museum!

28. Visit the cool Kalmar County Museum
Kalmar County Museum offers a very exciting exhibition about the regal ship Kronan, which sank in the Baltic Sea in 1676. Kalmar County Museum is a regional cultural history museum for Kalmar County, with both profile exhibitions (permanent exhibitions) and temporary exhibitions. This is an interesting and enjoyable museum for both adults and children!

29. Discover the beautiful Maritime Museum in Kalmar.
The Maritime Museum in Kalmar on Kvarnholmen and in this museum you can see collections of various nautical objects, ship models, paintings and exotic objects brought home during journeys to distant countries. We also saw an interesting film about the first Swedish Antarctic expedition, led by Otto Nordenskjöld in the early 1900s.

31. Things to do in Småland: Check out the IKEA Museum in Älmhult
The IKEA Museum tells the story of the enormous furniture store founded in 1943 as a mail-order company by the then 17-year-old Ingvar... Mr Kamprad in Småland. The history is fascinating, so of course we wanted to check out the museum!

32. Stay at Vidinge farm in Älghult
Vidinge gård is a dog-friendly accommodation in Småland, a camping site, a fishing centre and a starting point for nature experiences and packraft, located in the middle of the Småland forests. We drove here with the motorhome, in collaboration with Glasriket, and got to experience both pub life and a wonderful bike ride along the Alsterån river.

33. Things to do in Småland: Cycling in Åsnen National Park
Åsnen National Park is located in Alvesta and Tingsryd municipalities in Kronoberg County. There are parts of the nature reserves Bjurkärr, Toftåsa myr and Västra Åsnens ö-värld with surrounding waters, islands and forests. You can ride an electric bike around Åsnen National Park where you rent an electric bike at one location and return it when you are done at another. There are 7 different stations and a great way to experience the national park climate-smart.

34. Island hopping around lovely islands in Kalmarsund
Garpen is a small island and lighthouse located about two kilometres from Bergkvara in the Kalmar Sound. Make a day trip, stay in a 2 or 4-bed room or rent the whole island. Garpen lighthouse site has a café and restaurant with full rights. Swim and have a cosy time and it takes you 15 minutes by boat Gustav from Bergkvara marina.
Go to Hasselö where two boats leave from Västervik and one from Loftahammar to charming Hasselö in the Tjust archipelago. Here you can rent cottages or hostels, go to cafés or restaurants with full rights, rent a bike, rent a kayak or take a boat out for the winter and experience the Småland Christmas table.

36. Walk in several beautiful nature reserves in Småland, Sweden
- Horsö - Värsnäs Nature Reserve is located in the northern part of Kalmar. There are forest paths, jogging trails and swimming areas.
- Svinö Nature Reserve is located at the Öland Bridge's fortress. There are walking trails, bathing areas and nice surprises such as two large memorial stones, with carvings when Gustav Vasa landed here in 1520, and Louis XVIII of France in 1804.

38. Staying at the Ödevata farm hotel and car park
The greenhouse at the Ödevata farm hotel houses an aquaponic farm. Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines conventional aquaculture (growing fish, shellfish or algae) with hydroponics (growing plants in water) in a symbiotic environment.
Malin and Magnus are passionate about saving the world, and one of the main ingredients to achieve this is biochar. Biochar has fantastic potential for a climate-smart and sustainable society. Check into the hotel or stand on the caravan park and enjoy Sauna raft in Småland.

39. camping at campsites or caravan parks in Småland.
Get close to nature and make great memories with campsites or pitches where you can get out into nature or just spend more time outside than at home.
- Kustcamp Gamleby, Hammarsvägen 10, Gamleby
- Tättö sea baths and camping, Tättövägen 50, Loftahammar.
- Skruv's wilderness campsite, Gåsamåla 149, Skruv
- Oskarshamn guest harbour, Port of Oskarshamn
- The Cat Owl site, Ljungby

40. Things to do in Småland: Stay at the magical Teleborg Castle in Växjö
Teleborg Castle is a beautiful fairytale castle just outside Växjö. Here you can enjoy the fantastic surroundings, or why not have lunch or dinner in the castle restaurant? Teleborg Castle is located about 4-5 kilometres south of Växjö city centre, in the middle of Småland.

41. Back in time in Kalmar Castle
Kalmar Castle is a mighty edifice that feels both historic and fairytale-like as it rises by the water with its walls and towers. With an 800-year history, Kalmar Castle is well-preserved and still outstandingly beautiful.

42. Things to do in Småland: Exaltation in the wooden church of Granhult
Granhult Church in Småland is Sweden's oldest wooden church. This fine little wooden church, dating from the 1220s, survived against all odds and is today a fascinating attraction. Granhult's church is located in Norrhult in Småland, about four kilometres northeast of Växjö.

43. Admire the beautiful Bottnaryd church
As in Habo, the first church in Bottnaryd was built in the Middle Ages. In the 17th century, the church was demolished and a new one was built in 1667. The baptismal font in Bottnaryd church is the oldest object. The font dates from the 13th century and was already used in the medieval church. The marvellous altarpiece is probably a North German work. It includes a sculpture showing the institution of the Eucharist.

44. Take a selfie at Kalmar Cathedral
Kalmar Cathedral, inaugurated in 1682, is one of the most important Baroque buildings in Sweden, designed by the architect Nicodemus Tessin the Elder. Cathedrals are linked to dioceses, but this is not the case with Kalmar Cathedral.
The Parliament wanted to limit costs and therefore wanted to merge the dioceses of Kalmar and Växjö. It was decided in 1901 that the bishop who lived the longest would lead the diocese, and the bishop of Växjö 'won'.

45. Take a boat trip to the Blå Jungfrun National Park in Kalmarsundet.
Between Öland and the Swedish mainland, the island of Blå Jungfrun is a national park in Småland. You can get there via boat trips from Byxelkrok from Öland or from Oskarshamn. It is possible to stay over on the island in the summer and follow the boat home for the next few days. A great opportunity to do in Småland.

46. Get inspired by the Kosta Art Gallery in the Kingdom of Glass
Kosta Art Gallery is an art gallery in the Glasriket region of Småland, showing glass art by various famous designers. You don't have to have a specific interest in glass or art to appreciate this. We were completely fascinated!

47 Things to do in Småland: visit Klapphuset in Kalmar
A folding house is a building that was once used to wash clothes and other textiles. On Kvarnholmen in Kalmar there is a preserved clapboard house, which is probably the only preserved clapboard house in Scandinavia. The house dates from the beginning of the 20th century, and before that there was an older clapboard house here.

49. Step into the world of Astrid Lindgren
In Vimmerby, where fairy tales are alive and where you can meet Pippi Longstocking, Emil in Lönneberga, the Salt Crow and all the other wonderful characters based on books by Astrid Lindgren. Every family with children should experience this and be in the right environment as it looked in real life.
Shows, streets and why not go to Katthult and Bullerbyn while you're there. Sleep over in Vimmerby as I did with the whole family and have an extra day. Do not forget to take a selfie at Astrid Lindgren's statue in Vimmerby.

50. Things to do in Småland: Try glassblowing
We have visited the glassblowers in their huts and seen their amazing crafts. At the Kosta Glass Centre, you can make your own creation in glass under supervision. We tried blowing one product each (a bowl and a vase) and tell you about our experiences and all the other huts in Småland.

51. Make your own paper at Lessebo hand paper mill
The Lessebo hand paper mill in Småland is something very special as it is still a working mill where paper is made in the traditional way with Dutchmen, kyp and moulding frames. Today, tourists are also welcome for guided tours - or perhaps to try making paper themselves.

52. Take the longest zipline in Europe
Europe's longest zipline course is in Sweden, deep in the forests of Småland. Isn't it fascinating? We went to Sweden Zipline, Little Rock Lake with the motorhome, and Peter went on an adventure above the tree tops. What a cool experience!

53. Things to do in Småland: Passing through the Småland Cultural Reserve
- Åsens by Haurida In Aneby municipality in the Såland landscape with farm environment and agricultural landscape. Here you can wander around on your own or participate in various activities.
- Högarps village in Vetlanda municipality in the landscape of Småland with a farm environment and agricultural landscape. Dating back to the 15th century, the village consists of five farms.
- Linnaeus Råshult in Älmhult municipality in Småland's Landscape with farm environment and agricultural landscape. Carl von Linné was born on 23 May 1707, and here you can experience a genuine cultural landscape from the 18th century.
- Stensjö village is Kalmar County's first cultural reserve. Here you get a vivid picture of how people lived in a forest village in Småland around the turn of the century 1900.

54. Unique shopping in Småland
- Taste the delicacy: Browse among selected products in Kosta Delikatess, which is both a shop and a restaurant at the same time. In the restaurant you can order dishes with ingredients from the forest, land and sea.
- Margaret's dollhouse: Located in Kosta, Sweden, Margaretha's Dollhouse is a small shop that invites you into a wonderful fairytale world of high-quality teddy bears and dolls. The shop attracts both children and collectors, and all those with childhood memories.
- BSweden lighting company: In the middle of the Småland forests you will find the company BSweden and its Factory Outlet. Founded in 1993 by Gunnel Svensson, the company has grown into a name that stands for quality and has received many different awards. For example, you can find a customised lamp from Harrod's in London. The factory shop sells second-hand products at a favourable price.
- Kosta outlet: If you want to shop for glass while travelling in the Kingdom of Glass, there are many options. All glassworks have shops, and in Kosta Outlet you will also find 20,000 square metres of shopping. Here you can find glass, but also, for example, clothes and furnishings.

55. Have coffee breaks at retro cafés in Småland
- Konditori Fenix: Do you want to dream back to bygone times for a while? Then you should definitely have a coffee and a pastry at the Fenix patisserie in Emmaboda. At this nostalgic café, you can choose to sit in the 50s, 60s or 70s section. When we were here, we quickly started talking to the other guests, and everyone fell into conversation about what objects they recognised and had memories of...!
- Tadah coffee roastery: Another café in the nostalgia of the Småland forests is Tadah kafferosteri in Lenhovda, a small Småland coffee roastery offering freshly roasted speciality coffee. You can buy your own beans or enjoy your coffee in the nostalgically decorated café. In an adjoining room there is even a small nostalgia museum as it looked in the 1950s.

56. Try gindrink in Småland's largest gin bar.
At Kosta Delikatess you will also find a gin bar with Småland's largest selection of gin, with over 100 different varieties. However, the ambition is to grow and the aim is to have Sweden's largest selection. In 2021, Kosta's own beer was also ready from its brewery.

57. Things to do in Småland: Experience the hobo museum
Hönsalottas Luffarmuseum, located at The Glass Factory in Boda, tells the story of tramps like Hönsalotta, Smålands-Pelle, Stolla-Hedda and Långe målaren. The museum has been recognised as one of Sweden's funniest museums, and is currently only open for pre-booked groups.

58. eat hyttsill and Småland dishes in one of the glass huts.
Hyttsill is an old tradition in the Glass Kingdom. When the glassblowers had finished their day's work, the ovens could be used for cooking, and salty herring and potatoes were grilled in the ash heaps. Even today, hut herring is still served in a hut, and in addition to herring, things like lard, salt pork and cheesecake are served. Ask the glassblowers on site about hyttsill.

59. Getting around in Jönköping City Park
Jönköping City Park is a park that surprises. There are large green areas but also an open-air museum, playground, women's paths (paths dedicated to different women), café, miniature golf course, bird museum, animals and the football stadium Stadsparksvallen. When we came here, a group of children performed with violins, very nice!

61. spot and experience a moose safari in Småland, Sweden.
The king of the forest, which in its adult state is 2 metres high and weighs about 400 kg, is abundant in the forests of Småland, and it is estimated that about 30,000 moose roam freely. In order to see these solitary animals, several moose parks have been created. Several of the parks have also brought in several cool animals such as bison, mouflon sheep, fallow deer, wild boar and red deer. Here are some cool parks in Småland
- Skullaryd Moose Park
- Smålandet Markaryd Moose safari
- Virum Elk Park
- Glasrikets Moose Park Nybro
- Målilla elk park
- Elinge Moose Park
- Laganland Moose Park
- Grönåsen Moose & Agricultural Park
- Kosta Safari Park

62. Hiking in Norra Kvill National Park in Småland.
A primeval forest in Småland that has been completely untouched for 150 years. In this magical forest you'll find moss-covered boulders, water lily lakes and the highest point in the national park called Idhöjden.
In Norra Kvill you will also find Sweden's oldest oak, the Kvilleken, which is between 800-1000 years old and has a circumference of over 13 metres.

63. Enjoy a trip on the boat Ångaren Thor in Växjö.
Steamship Thor, from 1887, is Sweden's oldest wood-fuelled steamboat that runs tours on Lake Helga during the summer. Travel to Sweden's southernmost lock in Åby and the tours depart from Kronoberg Castle Ruin.

64. Rent a cottage at Västervik resort
Västervik Resort Lysingsbadet is a five-star campsite and swimming area south of Västervik. The facility is in an archipelago environment and is one of the largest camping facilities in the Nordic region. Rent a cottage, caravan or studio apartment and there are 166 to choose from in 20 different categories.

65. Playing golf in Småland
GolfClubs in Småland have a rich history from the early 1900s and here are some tips.
- Hooks Manor golf course in Hok with a parkland course and a forest course.
- Alvesta golf club with mixed park and forest course
- Sand golf club in Mullsjö is one of the best in Sweden.
- Möre golf club in Söderåkra with one of the best greens in southern Sweden.

68. Shop for paintings at Emmaboda konst in Småland.
In Emmaboda you will find the art shop that has perhaps the largest selection of paintings in Sweden. There are around 3500 paintings, painted by 400 different artists. We talked to the owner Göran Björkqvist, who told us that he has a strong focus on young Swedish artists who are on their way up in their careers.

69. Let the kids run wild in the film city in Mariannelund.
In 2017, the Film City in Småland created an interactive museum about the Astrid Lingren fairy tales, where children can participate in the stories themselves. Sing the songs from the films in stalls and take the film home, shop in the old store, be Emil for a day, or sit on Pippi's horse.
Here you will also find 7 easy hiking trails where the fairy tales become real and all start from the Film City. There is also an adventure forest with games such as the air castle and the parkour course.

70. Check out cool castle ruins in Småland, Sweden
Of the 21 cool castle ruins in Sweden, 8 are located in Småland. The mystery and history of the castle ruins make them an exciting attraction.
- Brahehus castle ruins along the E4 motorway before Jönköping.
- Visingsborgs Slottsruin on Visingsö in Vättern.
- Näs castle ruins on Visingsö in Lake Vättern.
- Jönköping Castle ruins in Jönköping
- Hultaby castle ruin in the northern lake headland in Vetlanda.
- Bergkvara Castle ruins in Växjö
- Eksjöhovsgårds castle ruin in Sävsjö
- Kronoberg castle ruins in Växjö

72. Step into Astrid Lindgren's nose
Astrid Lindgren Näs and Museum is a tribute to one of Sweden's most beloved authors, Astrid Lindgren. Located in Vimmerby, the picturesque small town where Lindgren was born and raised, this museum is a place where visitors can immerse themselves in the author's life and work. Näs is the name of the farm where Astrid Lindgren lived as a child, and this is where the museum is housed. Visitors can explore the different rooms of the house and get an insight into the author's childhood and family life. There is also a garden where you can walk and enjoy the idyllic surroundings that inspired Lindgren's writing.

73. See the cat hole for real
Katthult is the idyllic farm made famous by Astrid Lindgren's books about Emil i Lönneberga. It is a popular tourist attraction located in Vimmerby, Sweden. Visitors can explore the authentic environments, such as the carpenter's shed and the kitchen, where Emil and his adventures took place.

74. Book a guided tour of the Aschan estate
Aschanska gården is a historic building located in Eksjö, a charming town in Småland, Sweden. The farm is famous because when the last of the family died, a foundation took over the farm and everything is left in its original condition. Join us for 300 years in Eksjö.

75. Explore the museum park in Växjö
Museiparken is an open-air museum in the centre of Växjö. Museiparken in Växjö is a beautiful and scenic park that houses several of the city's most important museums. Here visitors can enjoy greenery and outdoor life while exploring art, history and culture. A popular destination for locals and tourists alike, the park offers a harmonious atmosphere for relaxation and learning.

76. Enter the emigrants' house
Utvandrarnas Hus in Växjö is a museum and research centre dedicated to telling the story of Swedish emigration to North America in the 19th and 20th centuries. Utvandrarnas Hus is housed in an impressive building that used to be Växjö Central Prison. Through exhibitions, documents and artefacts, the museum gives a vivid account of the lives and experiences of emigrants.

77. Trying out the Gustav Vasa bench in Kalmar
Sweden's longest bench is 265 metres long and can be found in Hjo in 2022. The second longest is in Karlskrona at 260 metres and in Kalmar this bench is 222 metres long, not far from the castle. The bench, named the Gustav Vasa bench, was erected on 15 July 2015. The bench runs along the outside of the cemetery.

78. Eat ice-cream in the picturesque Krusenstiernska farmhouse
Krusenstiernska gården in Kalmar is a well-preserved 18th century farmhouse that offers a journey back in time to the city's historical period. The farm is known for its beautiful architecture and charming gardens. The farmhouse now serves as a museum and offers visitors a glimpse into bourgeois life in the 18th century. Here you can explore the different rooms, which are decorated with authentic furniture and artefacts, and learn more about the history of the estate and its owners, the prominent Krusenstiern family.

79. Sunbathe and swim at Kalmarsundsbadet or at the cat's nest in the centre of town
Kattrumpan bathing area in Kalmar is a popular and scenic destination that attracts visitors with its beautiful beach and picturesque surroundings. Kalmarsundsbadet is a popular and family-friendly bathing area that offers a lovely beach, rocks to sunbathe on and crystal clear water to swim in.

80. Eat candy canes in Gränna
Polka dots are a popular type of candy that has an interesting history. Originally, candy canes were created in Gränna, a small town in Sweden, in the 1850s by confectioner Amalia Eriksson. She is considered to be the one who introduced this unique sweet to the world. Amalia Eriksson developed the characteristic red and white striped pattern of the candy cane and the fresh peppermint or pepper aroma flavour. She started selling the candy canes from her small shop and they quickly became popular both in Sweden and internationally.

Facts about Småland
- Part of the country: Götaland
- County: Kronoberg county, Jönköping county, Kalmar county, Halland county, Östergötland county
- Pin: Växjö diocese, Lindköping diocese and Skara diocese
- City of residence: squid
- Biggest lake: Bolmen, Vättern
- Largest island: Bolmsö
- Highest point: Tomtabacken - 377 metres above sea level.
- Surface: 29 400 km 2
- Population: 774 177 (2019)
- Titular: Duchy
- Element: Potassium
- Insect: Bonfire stuff
- Landscape fish: mould
- Landscape moss: Lysmossa
- Landscape stone: Red Växjögranit
- Landscape singing: Red lights the cottage, Småland song
- Landscape flower: Linnea
- Landscape animals: Utter
- Landscape mushrooms: coral sponge
- Landscape apples: Hornsberg
- Constellation: Scorpio
- Star: Antares
- Largest watercourse: Emån
Småland's coat of arms
In a golden field a red lion with blue armour, if any, holding in its paws an upturned red crossbow with a silver arrowhead and black bow and strings.
Largest cities
Jönköping, Växjö, Kalmar, Västervik, Värnamo
Landscape law
Cheese gratinated pike-perch fillet with mashed potatoes or Småland cheesecake, Honey-glazed wild boar steak, Isterband. Cheesecake. More about Swedish food food here.
Main sights
Main sights: Kalmar Castle, Visingsö, Gränna, Garpen Island in Kalmarsund, Store mosse National Park, Ångaren Thor, Hasselö, Eksjö, Teleborg Castle.
Famous people
- The author Astrid Lindgren
- Singer Lena PH
- Entrepreneur Ingvar Kamprad (IKEA)
- Artist John Bauer
- Entrepreneur Amalia Eriksson
- The botanist Carl von Linné
- cartoonist Jenny Nyström
- Singer Agneta Fältskog
- The author Vilhelm Moberg
- Cartoonist Albert Engström
fairy tales
To protect yourself from the "evil eye", an old Småland recipe suggests using seven types of flowers picked on Midsummer's night, concocted with charcoal, nine wishes written in stolen ink, tallow from the Christmas candle in the church and the bones of the dead.
There have apparently been older ideas about animals gaining the ability to speak during Midsummer Night. In Bäckaby in Småland, the population could sneak into a suitable barn and lie down to listen to the animals who were also psychic. What the animals said would happen during the rest of the year.
old Småland
In the Iron Age there were several small countries in the forests where Småland is today. All the small countries were accessed via bridle paths, and everyone could have different dialects or different rules in their villages, because most people were farmers. There were also the mighty with magnificent buildings and a lot of land, and today very beautiful artefacts have been found from these fine people. Around Lake Bolmen there are several weapons graves with pearls and gold artefacts. In Småland we also find the burial mound Inglinge hög in Ingelstad, which shows the life of the rich.