A motorhome is both a car and a home, and it's only natural that things break down from time to time. Plus, you may want to spruce up, rebuild or get new accessories.
Table of contents
Fixing up your motorhome or caravan
Sometimes you need to fix things that are broken in your motorhome or caravan. Other times you just want to redecorate and tidy up. Here we have gathered information and tips on how to fix your motorhome.
Weight of the motorhome - gross weight, kerb weight and loading weight
We get questions from time to time about the weight of the motorhome, and how it...
Replacing doors and windows on a motorhome
Then it was time to change the hatches and windows on our motorhome FREEDOM! We had several...
Motorhome/caravan kitchen - tips and upcoming products
Of course you want to be cosy in your motorhome/caravan kitchen! We've given a lot of thought to what...
Behind the scenes at one of Sweden's largest retailers of camping accessories
The camping industry has exploded in the last two years. Most campers are aware of this by now, and...
How we solved the problem of grey water in the camper van
You may remember that we told you that we had problems with the grey water in the motorhome? Now...
Winter motorhome storage - our 10 top tips
Winter storage of a motorhome - what's the best way to do it? We have just cancelled...
Spring cleaning your motorhome - preparing for your spring trip
Spring cleaning the motorhome means a lot of work, but it also feels positive and wonderful! The motorhome...
Motorhome in winter - here's what we're doing this year
Motorhome in winter - winter camping or winter storage? If you have a motorhome, what do you do? This year...
Motorhome washing in Stockholm - where and how?
How do you go about washing a motorhome in Stockholm, if you don't happen to have one?
Motorhome/caravan bedroom - tips and upcoming products
Of course you want a cosy bedroom in your motorhome/caravan! We've thought a lot about...
Installing a combustion toilet - for summer houses and mobile homes
What is it like to install a combustion toilet? In a holiday home or in a motorhome? We have...
Fixing a motorhome - decal text, noise and ... a small accident
It's motorhome season and we've had time to do a bit more work. We have put...
Motorhome fridge not running on LPG? - this is how we solved the problem
Motorhome fridge not running on LPG? We had this problem recently. Fortunately, the...
Finally here - new products with motorhome and caravan motifs
They are finally here, our new products with motorhome and caravan motifs! We are very excited...
Smart solutions in your motorhome - 11 practical tips
Smart solutions in your motorhome - that's what you want, right? After more than ten years...
New furniture in the motorhome garage - and space for electric bikes
We now have a new interior in the motorhome garage. We wanted to make room for our electric bikes, and...
Motorhome/caravan bathroom - tips and upcoming products
Of course you want a cosy bathroom in your motorhome/caravan! We've thought a lot about...
New motorhome interiors - design, shelves and storage
We have lots of new furnishings in the campervan - everything from felt mats on the walls to different...
Preparing your motorhome for spring - 5 points
Is it almost time to prepare your motorhome for spring? For us, it's not really time...
Burglary in the motorhome - one broken window
We've had a break-in at the motorhome this week. When Peter went out to the camper van in the car park...
Fixing your motorhome: exterior design
We have done a lot of work on the exterior design of our motorhome. Among other things, we have foiled the entire car and installed a larger sunroof. We have also equipped our motorhome with a lot of new exterior lighting, everything from fog lights and position lights to underlights.
Of course, it's also true that things sometimes break in a motorhome. For example, we've had several water leaks and had to replace things like lights and mirrors.
Fixing your campervan: interior design and storage
We've also done a lot of work on the interior of our motorhome, including new carpet, new upholstery and LED lighting. In a motorhome you live in a small space, so smart storage solutions are important.
Fixing your motorhome: safety and accessories
Of course, it's important to feel safe in a motorhome. We've written a lot about safety and even installed some safety solutions in our own motorhome. There are of course lots of practical, smart and fun accessories for motorhomes.
Winter storage
If you have your motorhome in Sweden, it is of course best to store it indoors for the winter, as snow and cold put a strain on the motorhome. If you do need to store it outdoors, a blanket can be useful. Here are some tips on what to consider for winter storage.
More to read
Once you've finished fixing up your motorhome, maybe you're ready to start travelling and adventuring? Below you'll find even more reading material.