
Holidays in East Asia? This part of the world, in the eastern part of Asia, offers plenty of exciting and exotic experiences in terms of nature, history, culture and food.

Which countries are part of East Asia?

East Asia describes the eastern parts of Asia. It primarily includes China, Japan, South Korea and North Korea. It is also common to include Mongolia and Taiwan.

In a more cultural sense, East Asia often describes those parts of eastern Asia that have historically been under the influence of China. In a more geographical sense, it could also include the eastern parts of Russia, such as Siberia.

Mongoliet tempel i Mongoliet i Östasien
Temple in Mongolia

East Asia - a region rich in history and culture

East Asia is a region rich in history and culture. In China, for example, you can visit famous sites such as the Great Wall of China and the Forbidden City in Beijing. The countries of East Asia also have a rich treasure trove of music, artistry and art. In addition, the region offers fantastic, exciting and incredibly varied food.

Nature is also fascinating, from the steppes of Mongolia to the wilds of the South China Sea. Quite simply, this is a region where there is so much to see and experience.

semester i Östasien

Articles on East Asia travel destinations

Here you will find lots of interesting articles about travel destinations in East Asia. The articles have been written either by us (Helena and Peter at FREEDOMtravel) or one of our guest writers. So far there are reports on the countries you see below, and with time more and more reports will be added. Articles about Russia can instead be found under the heading "Russia" under 'Eastern Europe' in the menu.

Kina-kinesiska-muren i Östasien
The Great Wall of China in China

Read more about travel destinations in Asia

If you want to learn more about destinations in other parts of the Asia? Here at FREEDOMtravel you will also find reports on countries in the Central Asia,  Middle East, South-East Asia and South Asia.

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