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Do we worry too much when travelling? (Or sometimes too little?)

Do we worry too much when travelling? Or do we sometimes worry too little? The issue of risk perception is interesting. Sometimes you may worry disproportionately. But sometimes you might not realise that you should worry a bit more ...

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Travelling with migraines - my top 10 tips

I have had a good period now with fairly few migraines, but a few days ago I had an attack again. Then I thought I had to write a post about travelling with migraine. It is something that I unfortunately know a lot about. Here are my best tips for those travelling with migraine - and for those who are travelling with someone with migraine.

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Smart solutions in your motorhome - 11 practical tips

Smart solutions in your motorhome - that's what you want, right? After more than ten years of living in a motorhome, we've come up with various solutions that we think make motorhome life easier. Here are our tips! If you have a motorhome or caravan - please share your tips too!

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Christoffer chases tornadoes in the USA

Christoffer BjΓΆrkwall lives in MalmΓΆ with his girlfriend and works as a web developer. So far, his life doesn't sound like anything out of the ordinary, but wait until you hear about his hobbies. When Christoffer is free, he doesn't go to the Canary Islands - he goes to the USA to chase tornadoes!

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A day as a travel blogger

Ok, here we go and this is Peter writing. We have set out to create a new career and I closed my construction company in 2015. I have worked 6 weeks this year to bring in some money but it is Helena who supports us now.

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12 tips for a great blog - how to keep your readers coming back

Tips for a good blog! Do you have your own blog? Or are you thinking about starting one? To some extent you might be writing for yourself, but isn't it great if you get a bunch of readers? Getting readers to your blog may require some marketing, but above all it requires a good blog!

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Happy Friday: Here is my life. Part 8

Okay, here we go, and this is Peter talking on Fridays. After an apartment deal, we had 300,000 in the account. We had worked hard and now we were going to travel and the kids were coming with us. We booked New Zealand for all four with adventures every day for three weeks, and planned the journey from the North to the South Island with maps and in kilometres.

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Things to do in Glasriket - 25 tips for sights and experiences

What to see and do in Glasriket in SmΓ₯land? We have travelled around the area with our motorhome, and here we have gathered our best tips for sights and experiences. You'll find tips on everything from glassworks and art to delicacies and nature experiences.

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Spice gardens in Sri Lanka - getting ripped off?

Now we have visited one of all the spice gardens in Sri Lanka. In a way, we had a really good and interesting experience here. At the same time, afterwards we had that feeling of having been cheated. But all this happened before we read the reviews on Tripadvisor. We take it from the beginning!

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Things to do in Estonia - 30 sights and experiences

What to see and do in Estonia? We offer 30 tips for a country with beautiful nature, many attractions and a Swedish history that runs like a thread through the country and its islands. Join us in Estonia!

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