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Popular on FREEDOMtravel - we show statistics


What is most popular to read on FREEDOMtravel? Sometimes it's interesting to look at statistics. Last week we found out which photos are most liked on our Instagram account, and now we can show you what's most popular on the blog.

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Isbladskärret on Djurgården - a favourite in Stockholm


Isbladskärret on Djurgården is a fantastic oasis, with wild nature and lots of herons, right in the centre of Stockholm. We were fascinated when we came here in March this year, and made another visit in May. What amazing nature we have in our capital city!

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New lessons learned, natural areas and newspaper reports


In these (strange) times, you learn some new lessons. We also take the opportunity to discover new natural areas, and we've had a newspaper report published. We all have tough times now, but we still wish you a Happy Friday! Take care of all of you!

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We talk travel in the podcast "Ready for Takeoff"


A few weeks before we set off on our trip to Poland and the Czech Republic, we recorded a podcast episode of the "Ready for Takeoff" podcast by Falck Global Assistance. Now you can listen to the episode, where we talk about our most adventurous trips and share our best tips for staying safe on holiday.

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Fish casserole - at home or in the camper van


A few days ago we wrote about fish dishes with delicious accompaniments and then several people thought we should write about fish gratin as well. We really like fish gratin - it's so delicious and simple - so we thought we'd take the opportunity to write about some of our favourites. At the same time, we hope you'll share your favourite fish gratin recipes!

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Galle in Sri Lanka and Galle Fort - the fortified city


Galle in Sri Lanka is unlike any other city we've seen in this country. Here you'll find Galle Fort, a fortified old town framed by a massive wall. Inside the wall, you'll find narrow alleys and charming colonial-style houses. If you're visiting Sri Lanka, don't miss this little gem!

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We paint and fix at home


This weekend we are busy renovating and painting at home. Most people get bigger and bigger homes. We plan to do just the opposite: get smaller and smaller. With the motorhome, we've discovered that it's nice to live small. Less stuff = more freedom.

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Follow motorhome bloggers who are hibernating


Many motorhomers are now fleeing the autumn and the cold here in the north, and rolling south to spend the winter somewhere around the Mediterranean. Some are already in place at more southern latitudes, and we have to admit that it doesn't sound too bad. If you want to get a taste of the feeling, you can follow some of the motorhome drivers who are blogging during the winter.

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Kiev in Ukraine - travel guide to Kiev's gems


We have visited the capital city of Kiev in Ukraine twice, and this city is actually one of our favourite cities in Europe. Ukraine has 46 million inhabitants and is the third largest country in Europe by area. Although it's been a few years since we were last in Kiev, we think we have some interesting tips to share. Kiev is the city for those who like history, beautiful buildings, shopping and unusual restaurants.

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5 alternative weekend cities

In co-operation with Axo Finans

Have you already visited London, Paris, Rome, Prague and Vienna? In this post, we suggest five alternative weekend cities. These are big cities that are not capitals, but offer just as much excitement in terms of food, culture and sights. Which of these have you visited? Do you have other suggestions for alternative weekend cities?

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