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Carnival in Germany - a colourful celebration


Did you know that carnival is celebrated in Germany for several months every year? If there's one thing we think we're not good at in Sweden, it's colourful festivals. Sometimes we have thought that you have to go down to southern Europe for the carnival atmosphere, but travelling to Germany can actually be enough!

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Dambulla in Sri Lanka - the golden cave temple


Dambulla in Sri Lanka is a small town best known for the Golden Cave Temple. Inside a granite mountain are five caves filled with Buddha statues and paintings, some of which are as old as the 2nd century BC. It's no wonder that the Golden Cave Temple in Dambulla was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1991.

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Travelling by motorhome in Poland - all you need to know


What's it like to travel by motorhome in Poland? We have just returned home after three weeks on the road with our motorhome in Poland and the Czech Republic. This is far from the first time we've travelled in these countries and we've had a lot of experience. Today we write about what it's like to travel by motorhome in Poland. If you have more, similar or different experiences, please share them with us!

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10 popular countries on our blog


Today we present 10 popular countries on our blog FREEDOMtravel. We have, for various reasons, delved a little into statistics, and it's just as well that we share them with you! We have checked which pages and posts have been read the most in 2017 and until today, and looked at which countries are at the top. Which country would you like to read more about - one of these or something completely different?

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In Östersund as a tourist - a lovely winter town


What to do in Östersund as a tourist? We visited Östersund a few weeks ago, while watching the Alpine World Cup in Åre. We had some fantastic winter days, including a spontaneous guided city walk with another travel blogger and a visit to the Winter Park.

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Excursions among Germany's lakes


The "Beach Basket Challenge" motorhome trip continues, and it was time for the seven motorhomes on the trip/competition to take on challenge number four. Now we have arrived in an area of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania known for its many lakes, and what better way to do so than by canoe?

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What is it like to travel by motorhome in Ireland?


We recently tried travelling by motorhome in Ireland for two weeks. So, what is travelling with a motorhome in Ireland really like? We've had a lot of experience in terms of roads, campsites, campervan hire etc. that we're sharing today. If you have more, similar or different experiences, please share them with us!

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Ostsee camping in northern Germany - and party with the gang


Together with eleven other motorhomes, we spent three nights at Ostsee Camping in Zierow near Wismar on the German Baltic coast. Today we thought we'd tell you a bit about the campsite - and then there will be a bunch of pictures from the dinner and party on the last evening with the gang.

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The Lavaux wine region in Switzerland - and a visit to Chaplin's World

In co-operation with Switzerland Tourism

The Lavaux wine region in Switzerland is a UNESCO World Heritage Site because of the vineyard terraces built by monks 800 years ago. Now this is a picturesque area with green vineyard terraces sloping steeply down to the green-blue lake, and small villages where family-owned vineyards are densely packed. Not far from here you'll also find ... Chaplin's World!

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Cassandra - Greek Riviera


Here is a report from Kassandra - the Greek Riviera. I (Peter) went alone with some other bloggers because Helena has no holiday left. It is not good, because we want to be able to have a high quality when we write and blog. Taking photos, filming, taking 360 photos and using the drone at the same time, as well as getting all the information, is not possible. I will try in a few days to show what I experienced in wonderful Kassandra. Stay tuned!

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