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Mediterranean cities for those who want to experience adrenaline rushes


Writer: Co-operation partner

The Mediterranean is an iconic playground for adventurous travellers seeking freedom and adrenaline, where dramatic coastlines, deep caves and windswept mountains offer endless opportunities for extreme sports.

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Escape Room in Stockholm - we tested Lumenia


Have you tried Escape Room in Stockholm? A few days ago we tried Lumenia, together with our friends Lennart and Beata, and it was an experience beyond the ordinary.

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Socotra, Yemen Part 4 - Aunt Anna meets the caveman


Guest writer: Anna Nilsson Spets

When you're an aunt, you can always blame your age for forgetting things, or you can try to remember to keep a diary...

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Socotra, Yemen Part 3 - Aunt Anna and the Dragon's Blood


Guest writer: Anna Nilsson Spets

There are some parts of the world left untouched by major external influences, Socotra being one of them.

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Socotra, Yemen part 2 - Aunt Anna goes camping


Guest writer: Anna Nilsson Spets

Once upon a time I was a field biologist, camping all the time, in all weathers, and I think I would have said to myself that enough of camping.

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Socotra in Yemen - a different world with Aunt Anna


Guest writer: Anna Nilsson Spets

Day 1: Svinotta, according to Wikipedia it means unpleasantly early and that was the morning I would take me on to Socotra.

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Auntie Anna's stopover in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates


Guest writer: Anna Nilsson Spets

The dream of sparkling Arabian nights was shattered as soon as I stepped off the plane in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The hot and polluted air lay like a blanket over my shoulders, my mobile phone sounded a smog alert.

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Preparing for Socotra - Aunt Anna's lists


Guest writer: Anna Nilsson Spets

Legends say that Bird Phoenix and Bird Rock (Sinbad the Navigator) originated on Socotra. That's where I'm going now, to the island of dragon's blood trees. A dream journey.

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Taiwan visits Stockholm - event with inspiration


Suddenly, Taiwan invited us to an event in Stockholm to tell us about the destination Taiwan - and why you should come and visit them. Taiwan is a destination that we have thought relatively little about... and therefore this was extra interesting!

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Things to do in South Africa - 30 sights and experiences


What to see and do in South Africa? This exciting and contrasting country offers dramatic landscapes, wildlife and plenty of culture. Find all our top tips here.

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