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5 thoughts on blogs and social media


We continue to travel with the motorhome along the Swedish west coast, and we'll tell you more about that soon. But first, some thoughts on blogging and social media. Happy Friday!

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Golden Pen Media Awards 2022 in Croatia


The Golden Pen Media Awards 2022 took place in Split, Croatia last Friday. We were there because we ( were nominated in the blog/social media category. It was a wonderful event, but also some fantastic days in Croatia!

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Publishing a magazine - we are working on the summer magazine


Publishing a magazine - how does it work? We published a physical magazine last summer, and now we're going to do the same thing again. This time we're a bit more experienced and can tell you how we work.

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Thanks to all the great readers!


Today we would like to say thank you to all our amazing readers! Why? Well, read on and we'll explain why we were so excited this week. We can also tell you about the positive response to our first press release and about sushi on a conveyor belt. Happy Friday!

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Interview and first press release


What a week! On the one hand, the days are monotonous, with us mostly sitting at home in the boat or going for walks. On the other hand, things are still happening - via video meetings, phone calls and collaborations. This week resulted in an external article, a published interview and a first press release.

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FREEDOMtravel 2021 - 12 things that happened during the year


A lot happened at FREEDOMtravel last year. 2021 was the year we switched from blog to magazine, got over 100,000 visitors in a month for the first time and published a physical magazine, just to name a few things.

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Deleting a blog online - this can happen!


Our guest writers, Jöran and Maria Selin, deleted their blog online some time ago. The web host promised to remove all information, but does that mean the information disappears from the web? Jöran and Maria learnt that this is not the case. We interviewed them and they share their experiences and best tips!

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FREEDOMtravel guest writers and inspiration from Latvia


Finally, we can present our new concept with guest writers and influencers on Fantastic fun! This week we have also been to an event that offered inspiration for future trips to Latvia. Happy Friday!

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A list about summer 2021


It's time for a list, right? A summer list is making the rounds in the travel blog world, and we're joining in. We hope you enjoy reading the answers to the questions. Maybe you want to make your own list and answer them yourself, in the comments section or on your blog?

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Sweden premiere of "FREEDOMtravel magazine" 2021


Our magazine is finally ready, and a total of 100,000 copies are currently being delivered to campsites and motorhome dealers around Sweden. In today's post you will find a link to a digital version of the magazine.

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