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News about travelling to the 2024 Book Fair

Guest writer: Maria Frid Selin

I am now sitting in the middle of the crowd at this year's book fair in Gothenburg. I've been looking for travel books and travelogues to be able to offer you something new worth reading this autumn and maybe some of the tips below can give you new ideas and travel destinations.

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Sundbyberg in literature - an author tour in Sumpan.

"Sundbyberg in Literature" is an initiative by the City of Sundbyberg to showcase the city's literary connections. There are a total of 12 literary signs around the city, and each sign represents an author. At the weekend, we took our electric bikes and looked up all the signs.

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Old discs, books and comics - a journey of nostalgia

Old discs, books and comics are what it's all about today! This is a travel blog, but today it will be a different kind of trip ... namely a nostalgia trip!

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Travelling in the world of books - 15 book tips for the sofa

In the midst of a global virus crisis, you can't travel the world for pleasure, but you can still travel the world of books. We suggest 15 books that will take you around the world, to different continents and eras.

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Holiday reading and part-time work

Then it was Friday again, and we have been home in Sweden for almost a week of work. But nowadays I (Helena) actually only work half time. Or yes, it depends on how you see it of course ...

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Review of the Motorhome book - for motorhome beginners

When we visited the Caravan Stockholm fair in February, we were given a review copy of Husbilsboken - for those who are new to motorhomes. Since then (as you may know) we have been busy and the book has ended up on a shelf, but during a cleaning at home I found it again. And now we have the opportunity to write a review.

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Autumn's best book tips - audiobooks and e-books

If you've been following our blog for a while, you know that we both love to read. In the past year, we've read very little because we simply haven't had the time, but now we're eager to read again. Today we present our best book tips!

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Skärmfest - release party for the book "On the screen"

It was actually published last spring, but it was only yesterday that the book "On Screen - Social Media for Beginners" was released. This is the book for all 9-12 year olds wondering how to take better selfies, how to protect themselves from cyberbullying and how to know what's true on the internet. And maybe it's just as much a book for the parents of these 9-12 year olds, who are wondering how everything works online...

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Travelling through Europe in the world of books

Europe is an interesting continent full of culture and history. When travelling to a country, the experience can sometimes be even greater if you choose to read a book set in that country during your trip. Or you can stay at home on the couch and travel through Europe in the world of books!

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Travelling to North and South America in the world of books

Are you dreaming of the American continent - the USA, Canada or South America? Would you like to get an insight into another culture while lying on the couch in Sweden, or are you perhaps missing the perfect read for travelling to America?

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