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Disgusting Food Museum in Malmö - a "disgusting" visit


The Disgusting Food Museum in Malmö is for those who want to shudder and think "I'm so glad I'm not invited to grilled guinea pig in South America tonight". But it's also for those who want to reflect on their own eating habits... Perhaps in Sweden we eat things that are perceived as "disgusting" by others?

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Restaurants in Hamburg - our top 7 tips


Restaurants in Hamburg we can recommend today! During our visit to Hamburg, we were able to eat in a range of restaurants, from simple lunches and traditional dishes to fine dining. Here are our top tips.

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Inspiration from Cyprus - 7 reasons to be curious


Today we're sharing some inspiration from Cyprus! Have we been there yet? No, not at all. However, we visited "Restaurant Cyprus" this week, where we ate Cypriot food and listened to a presentation about the country. Immediately we got a number of reasons to be curious about this exciting Mediterranean island!

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Restaurants in Prague - and a food tour


Restaurants in Prague are what we're talking about today. We recently visited the capital of the Czech Republic where we ate our way through a few different restaurants, and joined an exciting food tour. Here we collect our restaurant tips from both this and a previous trip to Prague.

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What to eat in Croatia? - 20 Croatian specialities


What to eat in Croatia? We list 20 Croatian specialities and share our experiences with Croatian food. You can find everything from grilled fish and lamb to truffles and local cheeses. Join us for a taste of Croatia!

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Facts about dates - 15 things you (perhaps) didn't know


Facts about dates! Do you know what date palms look like, when fresh dates are in season or how the fresh and dried fruit is usually eaten? We made bacon-wrapped dates a few days ago, and now we're getting into exciting date facts!

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Brescia and Trentino - inspiration from northern Italy


Brescia and Trentino are two provinces in northern Italy. This week we were invited to an event where both destinations were presented. We have to say that Northern Italy is beautiful and invites more visits. If you may be cautious about travelling right now, we offer inspiration for the future.

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German specialities in different regions - don't miss these


German specialities, what are they? German food varies from region to region, and there are many different delicacies and traditional dishes to try. We take a virtual culinary journey through Germany, and when the borders reopen, it's time to try the real thing!

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What are truffles? - 15 interesting facts about truffles


What are truffles? From time to time, especially when travelling in southern Europe, you come across dishes flavoured with truffles. It's delicious, but what exactly is it? What's the difference between different varieties, and why is it considered such a delicacy?

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Hungarian food - 22 specialities of Hungarian cuisine


What exactly is Hungarian food? Hungarian cuisine is known for its spicy and rich goulash, but you'll find many other exciting dishes as well. Hungary is also a wine country and a country that loves sweet pastries.

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